Lady Tulip

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Chapter 21

Second Class Female Attendant Wei
Lady Wei Li Lian

"This servant has no idea what Noble Consort Qi is speaking of." Li Lian's face did not alter.

"Grand Consort Shu came to me when you were sick. She was distraught about your health, and in her concerns she spoke of hallucinations she had." Noble Consort Qi, paused, waiting for Li Lian to react. Not knowing that Li Lian did not easily bite on bait. "She said she saw your eyes flash amber and your hair lost colour, greying."

Li Lian lifted her shoulders and dropped them. "Like Her Highness said, they are hallucinations."

One eyebrow of Noble Consort Qi raised. "Not to me."

"What is it?"

"You are Furian, Li Lian."

She was not the first to say this to Li Lian. After what Nameless said and how her blood seemed to have helped His Majesty recover, she kind of believed did. Her mother was definitely from Furia.

"If this attendant was Furian, what is wrong with that? Isn't the Qi clan and its West Wing immersed with foreigners too?" This was the reason why they did not have power in the court. They were considered to be a polluted clan. Their people were from different places, thus they could not be trusted with power for the safety of Nevoria.

Although the South Wing was in the same basket, the difference was that the South Wing migrated from Huticah years ago because they were asked to by the emperor at that time. They operated reliable merchant services, so the emperor bribed them to move their services to Nevoria by offering them land. Nevoria didn't mind the South Wing's country of origin because they brought in economic welfare. Thus the South Wing grew due to favour from previous emperors, which garnered them strength in the court.

The West Wing, however, did not migrate to Nevoria due to invitation. They came for a better life, settled and developed power. Their heirs became officials, while on the side, they married many women that were foreign which 'tainted' them from being eligible for power.

In Nevoria, being pure-blooded was considered classy because then you belong to one culture. Your ways are not divided as you speak one voice. This makes you worthy for the emperor to listen to you in the court. Just like how the South Wing was from Huticah and among their people, they still married only the people of Huticah, the people of their wing. That is called unity and culture preservation, which is admired.

"I may be tainted but unlike you, at least I have Nevorian blood." Noble Consort Qi sat back twisting the jewels on her finger. "While you, you are purely Furian. Your mother and father are Furian. Different cases."

She was speaking nonsense. Her father was King Tobba. "What makes Noble Consort Qi sure about this?"

"Because I am from the West Wing. I have seen your kind and you resemble it. You are Furian like my mother." Explains why Noble Consort Qi was beautiful. Furians had exceptional looks. "When you were sick, your body was weak and sought energy from nature to replenish. Your weakness caused you to lose colour in your hair, the intake of energy caused your eyes to glow."

This was beginning to unsettle Li Lian. She had no doubts she was the daughter of King Tobba, however. They had the same personality traits; both were cold and uncaring about people. Isn't it why she hurt Yuwen Hong?

"It's Her Highness' words against this attendant's. Grand Consort Shu said she hallucinated; this attendant chooses to agree with her."

"Li Lian. Because His Majesty is taken by you, you think you are above everyone?"

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