No More Hiding

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For this chapter, listen to Still Don't Know My Name by Labrinth.


The house was packed with people, and loud, blaring music was playing. Genevieve made her way through the halls, until she reached the main parlor. There were people dancing on the couches, standing on the tables, drinking. Damon stood on one of the tables, surrounded by hot, young girls. Gen noticed Elena at the far side of the room, laughing and joking with her friends, but also eyeing Damon every so often, with a sad look in her eyes. Stefan was off to the side of Damon, watching his brother with exasperation, while talking to Alaric, who also rolled his eyes at Damon's behaviour. Gen laughed at Damon, because she could see that even after all these years, he was still the same old Damon.

Just then, the front door opened, and in walked the Mikaelsons. Gen saw them, and immediately ran to the other side of the room, hiding amidst a sea of people. Those who stood by the door parted in silence for them, their very presence intimidating. Soon enough though, the people began to mingle again, and the room was once more filled with laughter and talking.

She watched them from across the room, moving about, but trying to stay hidden, while they split up and went to different places throughout the house.  

"What am I doing?" she thought, "I shouldn't be here." 

She looked around, and, making sure no one would really notice her, she raced upstairs, where she took refuge in Damon's room. She opened the balcony doors, and stood outside in the cool air of the night, feeling the light breeze against her face, weaving in and out of her hair. Then, the peace of the night was broken by a loud ruckus down in the yard. She looked down to see Kol, Elijah, and Klaus, arguing with Damon, Stefan, and Alaric, while Caroline, Elena, Bonnie, and Rebekah stood off to the side. Damon and Alaric seemed to be holding Stefan back, while Kol and Elijah were doing the same to Klaus.

"You stay out of my house!" Stefan yelled.

"I'll go anywhere I please! I don't take orders from you!" Klaus shouted back.

"This is one time you do! Get the hell out! Everywhere you go, someone dies! You carry death with you like a woman carrying her purse!"

"Stefan! That's enough!" Damon cried, trying to get his brother to calm down. 

Stefan pushed against him, trying to free himself from his brother's grip, so he could launch himself on Klaus. Damon tried to keep his hold on Stefan, but failed. Stefan broke free and ran at Klaus, charging him head on, ripping him from Elijah and Kol's grasps, and throwing him across the yard. Klaus hit a tree and fell against the ground, but quickly stood up and jumped at Stefan. The two fought hard, while their brothers tried to break them up. Even the girls tried to intervene, but to no avail. 

Suddenly, Stefan cried out in pain, and began clutching his arm, which was bleeding. He moved his hand briefly, and Gen could see the marking from teeth, signifying that Klaus had bit him. Everyone stopped short, even Klaus, when he realized what he had done. They all started to converge on Stefan, but Gen knew she had to intervene. Everyone was too high strung, and they all needed to come down. With a wave of her hand, she enacted a barrier spell, separating the others from Stefan, and from each other, before she jumped from the balcony, landing gracefully on her feet. She ran over to Stefan, and knelt beside him. Already, he was shivering with fever, and muttering incoherent words under his breath, every so often screaming in pain. 

"Gen, what the hell did you do?!" Damon yelled.

"Barrier spell. You lot are acting like drunken fools, and now you see what's come of it!" She said, whipping her head around to face him. 

She heard Klaus huff, and then stop breathing for a moment, as did Kol and Elijah, upon registering the sound of her voice.

"Who are you?" Klaus growled.

"No one of consequence. At least, not to you," she whispered, knowing full well he could hear her. 

Her hair fell down the side of her head, preventing the others from seeing her face. As she studied the bite, she began chanting a spell she had created in her younger days to counteract the effects of a werewolf, or in this case a hybrid, bite. As she whispered the spell, the bite began to heal, Stefan's breathing slowed and became more regular, and his fever subsided. She could hear a few of the others gasp in surprise, realizing that she must have some magical abilities, yet knowing this to be impossible. She waited a few moments for Stefan to open his eyes.

"Thank you," he breathed.

She smiled at him, and nodded, before standing up starting to walk away. As she walked she dropped the barrier spell. Most of them rushed to Stefan's side, but Elijah, Kol, and Klaus went after her. Only 6 feet away from the group, Klaus grabbed her wrist, and attempted to turn her around, and pull her closer. But she was stronger. She stayed firmly in place, still facing away from them, refusing to fully reveal herself.

"Show yourself!" Elijah said angrily.

She stayed silent, but still refused. So Elijah and Kol grabbed hold of her wrist as well, and, with Klaus, attempted to pull her towards them. Still, she was stronger, but she could feel them pulling and pulling. 

She whipped around, fire and fury in her eyes. "Please let go! I am not a yoyo!" She cried.

As soon as they saw her face, they let go and stumbled backwards. Rebekah looked up to see what was the matter, and she too was taken aback.

"Impossible..." She muttered.

They found themselves looking at the face of an old friend, someone they had known centuries ago, and had long thought dead. 

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