Who Are We Now?

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Note: I've decided to start including song suggestions for some of these chapters. I started a playlist to go along with this fanfic, and now at the beginning of each chapter I'm going to include one or two songs to with the chapter. If you're interested in listening to the full playlist, my Spotify is graciella18, and the playlist title is The Original, same as this story.

For this chapter, my song choices are "Brother" by Kodaline and "Unsteady" by X Ambassadors. Play "Brother" up until Damon asks her real name, then switch to "Unsteady".


"Now that she has full use of her powers again," Stefan mused as they sat around the table, "what's the plan?"

"Well, I'd say the best plan is to first figure out what she plans to do next, where she plans to go, follow her, and try to stop her. That's where I come in. But first," Genevieve waved her hand and a bottle of some kind of blue colored liquid appeared on the table in front her. "Drink this." She handed it to Damon, who sat next to her.

"What is it?" He popped the stopper and sniffed at it, his nostrils filling with a pleasant smell that reminded him of the ocean.

"As you all know Circe is a siren. The purpose of sirens was to use their voices to lure men, and even women, to a watery grave. This is a concoction I invented a couple thousand years ago to fight against a siren's song. You'll still hear it, but it's magic won't affect you. So that way, you can't be brought under her sway. Nor mine."

Damon shrugged his shoulders, and drank, before passing the bottle round the table. They all took a swig, a few of them cringing from the extremely salty taste.

"It's especially important that you and Matt drink it," she directed to Jeremy. "You'll be even more susceptible since you're both humans."

"Is there anything you can tell us about Circe that might help us?" Caroline asked. "Anything from your childhood that you remember about her?"

Genevieve shook her head. "Not that I can think of. At least, nothing truly helpful. She was always troubled. She seemed to be quite fascinated by death, but not in the way you might think. More just a curiosity with what happens to the soul when it leaves the body. She always thirsty to prove herself, and would do it by any means necessary. She wasn't afraid to do things that others might find disturbing or impossible. In fact, she relished it."

"Can you tell us about when she changed?" Stefan replied.

Gen paused for a moment. "She...changed more than just physically. Her entire personality became darker. In order to complete the transition, you had to sever ties with your former life, symbolically, in the form of a sacrifice. That of someone you loved more than anything. For her...it was our twin sisters. They meant the world to her. And for someone who couldn't care less about anyone or anything else, that's saying something. They begged and begged her not to do it. But she didn't listen. And she didn't shed a single tear."

"Who was it for you?" Damon asked quietly.

"No one of importance," she whispered.

Damon wanted to press the question but decided against it.

There was silence for a moment. "What do we do now?" Rebekah interjected.

"Wait. She's disappeared for now, and is doing what she can to cover her tracks. So for now, we keep searching for her, and wait. Get some rest. You're all going to need it."

Everyone dispersed from table, except for the Mikaelsons, the Salvatore brothers, Alaric, and Felix, who had been silent for a long time. 

She looked at them from under her lashes, her last living friends.

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