It All Ends In Death

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For this chapter, listen to Walk Through the Fire by Zayde Wølfe and Ruelle.


They approached the rolling waves, Genevieve a few steps ahead of them. She stopped a few feet in, the cool water rolling over her feet as the tide came in.

"How are we supposed to get out there? Is there a boat or something?" Rebekah asked.

Genevieve said nothing, but simply stood there. After a moment, she closed her eyes, attempting to focus. Then, the waves began to part. The water shifted to the side, slowly opening so that there was a path straight through the sea, surrounded by walls of water. Walking through, they could see fish swimming about, and had to sidestep many formations of coral. The others looked in awe and wonder at the walls of ocean, but Genevieve kept looking ahead, focused only on saving her brother.

"How is she doing this?" Caroline whispered to Klaus, who stood beside her, their shoulders bumping with every step.

"Probably some facet of her siren powers," he mumbled, clearly not happy about their new mission.

Caroline grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers. "Stop being such a grouch."

A slight smirk appeared on his face a moment later. "Whatever you say, my lady."

Ahead of the others, Genevieve walked on, determination in every step. Damon jogged up alongside her, but she said nothing to him.

"What are you planning to do when we get there?" he asked her, breaking the silence.

"Save my brother," she replied.

"Obviously, but I meant how? And what are we going to do about Circe?"

"I haven't figured that out yet," she admitted.

"Why did she take him, anyways?" Stefan called from behind.

"Because she wants him out of the way," Gen sighed. "He's one of the few people who actually knows her and her weaknesses. She tried to put me out of commission by leading me to flip off my humanity switch and go to the dark side as you call it, but he's been one of the few people who could ever bring me back, and she knows this. She doesn't give a damn about family, she never has. If she had, my sisters would still be alive, and perhaps none of this would have happened."

They continued their trek in silence, until they reach the end of the path. In their way stood a giant rock, that stretched a mile high. Narrow steps jutted out of the stone, winding around, going towards the top. Genevieve paused for a moment, before she began the slow climb. Every step towards the top was agony, because deep in her heart she knew what waited for her. She knew the outcome, even if she didn't want to face it. 

With every step they took upwards, the walls of sea behind them began to fall back down, until they finally reached the top of the rock, and the water crashed down again. The surface of the rock was a large flat plain, soaked with seawater from the constant spray. In the center of the rock was a hole, deep into the stone, that was slowly filling with water. A single iron chain was nailed into the surface of the rock, and stretched down into the hole. Genevieve followed the chain to the hole, and found her brother attached to the other end, hanging against the wall of stone as the water slowly rose up around him. Something was tied around his waist, and she could only guess that it was something to weigh him down.

She fell to her hands and knees at the mouth of the hole.

"Felix! Are you alright?" 

"Oh, just dandy, thank you."

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