A Crack In The Glass

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"You know where she's hiding," Genevieve said as she circled the woman currently tied to a chair. "We both know that things will go a lot faster, and be far less painful, if you simply tell me where she is, Phoebe."

Phoebe smirked. "Why in the hell would I do that?"

"Because you're smart. And because if you don't, my friend will be more than happy to kill you," she responded as she gestured to Klaus, who was casually leaning against the wall. 

Phoebe stayed silent, refusing to look Gen in the eye, instead staring at the blank wall ahead of her.

"You know, Phoebe, I'm surprised at you. I never thought the day would come when you would become Circe's lackey."

That certainly got a reaction. Phoebe gave her a look that could kill, before proclaiming, "I am not her lackey, not now, not ever. We are partners. In return for my help, she's promised to give me something. But I will never be her servant."

Gen lunged forward, grabbing the arms of the chair and pulling her forward, till their faces were inches apart. "You misunderstand her enormously if you truly believe you are partners. In her twisted, arrogant mind, no one is ever equal to her, and everyone she makes a deal with is only ever a means to an end. You mean nothing to her, and she's probably going to kill you before she follows through on her side of the bargain, anyway. Now, tell me where she's hiding, and perhaps I'll be merciful and make your death quick."

Phoebe leaned forward till they were nose and nose. "Go. To. Hell."

Gen let go and took a step back. Hoping no one would notice the slight burn marks in the shape of hands on the wood of the chair from where she had been grasping it. She pulled a vial from her pocket, uncorking it. "Fine. If that's how you want it to be, that's how it'll be."

She sprayed Phoebe with the contents of the vial, causing her to scream in agony.

"Ver-vervain!" Phoebe spluttered, struggling to get the words out.

"Yes, and there's plenty more where that came from. So either you tell us what we want to know, or I'll give you another shower."

Phoebe shook her head vigorously, so Gen took out another vial, uncorking it, and pouring it over her. She screamed again, the sound ripping through the air. 

"Sicily!" Phoebe shrieked. "She's in Sicily!"

Gen faltered a step. "Wh-what? Sicily?"

"Yes," Phoebe panted, "she went back to Sicily, and she took the girl with her."

"Why?" Klaus demanded, finally breaking his silence at the mention of his daughter.

"I'm not sure. She said something about going back to where it all began."

Klaus took a step forward, but Gen stopped him with a gesture. She walked up to Phoebe, placing one of her hands on her shoulder. 

"You'll never win. She has grown more powerful than you realize, while you have spent centuries denying your true nature. In the end, she will succeed, and you will die," Phoebe spat.

Gen looked her in the eyes. "Thank you for your honesty," was all she said. 

Then she plunged her hand into the woman's chest, and tore out her heart. She dropped it unceremoniously on the floor, where it rolled a few feet before colliding with Klaus' shoes. She turned on her heel and stormed out of the room, passing Elijah and Stefan in the hallway. But she barely even noticed them. Her only thought was of Sicily. A place she had vowed never to return to, but it seems she now would have to.

"Why Sicily?" Klaus questioned, appearing by her side.

"Because that's where we met, that's where we turned, and that's where I enacted the spell. She must believe it's of great significance if she's willing to return."

"Then let's go. Or are you not willing to return?"

She glared at him. "While I might hate the idea, I'm willing to do whatever it takes to find her and stop her."

"Are you sure? Because you've given me so many reasons to doubt your dedication," his voice a deadly whisper.

"Dedication?" she exclaimed. "You want to see my dedication? I believe I showed it to you when I tore out that girl's heart!"

"That's not good enough!" he roared. "You see, I'm willing to massacre the whole of Europe if it means I get my daughter back. What are you going to do?"

Her face turned pale for a moment, before she flushed with anger. "Don't speak to me of massacres. You have no idea the lengths I will go to-" but her words were cut off. Choking sounds came from her mouth, as blood began to drip from her lips.

"Genevieve?" Klaus cried, reaching out to catch her as she began to fall to the ground.

The others appeared on the porch, having heard their argument and the sudden halt of their shouting, just as he laid her gently on the grass. They rushed to join them, trying to figure out what was happening to her. The blood kept flowing, more and more, pooling around her as she continued to choke.

"Genevieve!" Felix knelt beside his sister, taking her hand in his, and laying the other on her cheek.

"C-cir-ce," she choked out. "Sp-spell...h-hair strand."

"What's going in?" Elena asked.

"I don't know! I think Circe is using some kind of enchantment, but I don't know what, or how to stop it!" Bonnie replied.

"Is she going to die?" Caroline turned to Felix, who was now surrounded by his parents.

"No, no she won't die, she can't. But that doesn't mean it's not painful to feel your blood being drained from your body," he retorted.

Bonnie yelled at Jeremy, telling him to run to the house and grab as many candles as he could find and bring them out. Once he had done so, she instructed him to place them evenly in circle around her and Gen. The wicks went up in flames at a thought from her, as she put her hands over Gen and began to chant. The wind picked up, threatening to blow them all away, and above them, the clouds rolled in and thunder cracked.

Genevieve had gone deathly pale as the blood drained from her body. She had stopped choking, but was slipping in and out of consciousness, muttering to herself about Circe. Bonnie's chanting grew louder and louder, until she was practically yelling, at the top of her lungs, demanding that nature hear her. Suddenly, Genevieve's body lifted from the ground, and she began to float. The wind died down, and the sky grew quiet as she continued to float, now 5 feet above the ground. Everyone stared at her, unsure of what to do, when her eyes opened, and she took in a deep breath, before gently floating back to the ground.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Rebekah asked.

"Circe," was she said in way of explanation. No one needed to ask what she meant.

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