Chapter 13

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Alexis's POV

Val and I are going out together to see what we can do for fun.

As we were walking, we saw a crowd of dolls looking at something. Val and I got curious and decided to see what they were all looking at.

As we got to the center of the crowd, we saw Moxy and the others, but they looked different.

They were all dressed up like pretty dolls.

"What is this?" Lou asked.

"Look at my bangs," Babo said. This caused Tuesday to gasp.

"Face it, doll. They look better on him," Lydia then told her.

This caused me to laugh quietly.

"We're pretty dolls now," Moxy stated.

"Well, you certainly are," Lou said.

The way he said that gave me bad vibes.

"So you're happy for us?" Moxy then asked.

"So happy," Lou replied.

Now that gave me the chills.

"Why does he always have to say it in that tone?" Ugly Dog then said.

"And yet so sad," Lou then said.

"There he goes again," Ugly Dog stated. Well at least he wasn't the only one who noticed his tone of voice.

"You see, I'm afraid all your hard work has been for nothing," Lou then told them.

"What do you mean?" Moxy asked.

"No amount of makeup or fancy new clothes or dollscaping..." Lou started explaining.

"Excuse you?" Babo said a bit annoyed.

"...can take away the fact that deep down, you are UglyDolls. There's no changing that," Lou said. "UglyDolls can never pass the Gauntlet."

That was it. I walked towards my friends, along with my sister, and stood in front of them defensively.

"We don't believe you," I told him.

"You don't believe me? I suspected as much. But maybe you'll believe... him," Lou then said as he stepped aside and revealed...

"Ox?" I was so confused right now. "What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Alexis," Ox started to say.

"Ox. Wait," Moxy said as she stood beside me. "You won't believe this. The Big World is real!" Moxy told him.

"I know," Ox said, looking down.

"What?" Moxy questioned. She was just as confused as I was.

It was silent for a while, until Lou broke it.

"Come on, Ox. Relieve the poor creatures of their confusion. Why don't you start at the beginning," Lou told Ox.

"What's he talking about?" I then asked.

"Alexis, all I wanted to do was protect you. And your sister. But Lou's right. You're never going to get to the Big World. Let me try to explain," Ox told me.

"It all began in the Doll Factory. I don't know how, but I ended up here at the Institute. Lou welcomed me and we became close friends. And after I begged and begged, he even let me train. I even felt like I might have a shot at the Big World. I was messing it up for the others, and they started to turn on me. I was scared. It was only Lou who saved me by showing me a way out. I wandered into the dark, and that's when I discovered the ugly truth about who we are and where we came from. We UglyDolls are nothing but rubbish. The humans found us unlovable and threw us away. I blocked the way to Recycling so that outcast dolls would be diverted to our cove," Ox explained to us.

So what does that make us?

"We are rejects," Ox then said. This caused us to gasp after what he said.

"No," I said.

"We belong in Uglyville where reject dolls can live safe and free of anyone else's judgment," Ox then stated.

I can't believe it. I really don't deserve the love I need. I'm not even supposed to be loved.

I let out a sigh in defeat and thought back everything that Ox said.

"Oh, Alexis, look at you. This is what I've been trying to protect you from," Lou told me.

Yeah, right.

Lou then walks up to me and holds my hand. 

"But I realized you'd need to hear it from your oldest friend. You don't belong in the Big World. You don't belong anywhere. You shouldn't even exist," Lou then told me. I then pull my hand away from him gently.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Val tense up. She was angry.

"Alexis, Moxy, I'm so sorry I lied," Ox told us.

"So, we don't get to go to the Big World. We don't get to be loved?" I asked.

It was silent for a bit until Moxy spoke.

"I'm so sorry, everyone. This is all my fault. I should never..." Moxy started to say, but then ran away crying.

"Moxy, wait! Wait!" Ox called out to her.

I didn't even have the urge to go after her.

"Now, Ox, I'm an amazingly magnanimous guy, so I'll tell you what: Go back to Uglyville. Live your little ugly lives. Never come back here. And if you do, it's Recycling for everyone," Lou then said.

That means I'll never see Nolan again.

"Don't have to ask me twice," Val said with annoyance as she started to walk back to Uglyville.

"But, there's one more thing. Val stays here," Lou said with a smirk.

Val stopped in her tracks and looked at Lou.

"No way! I'm not staying with you! I'm staying with my sister!" Val yelled at him.

"But you should, Val. Because if you don't, then you'll watch your friends, and your sister, get put in Recycling," Lou then told her.

Oh, now that's just unfair," I heard Val mumble to herself.

Val looks at me with a sad look. She was deciding who to stay with.

I then give her a nod, telling her that she should stay.

Her wolf ears drooped down and she slowly walked towards Lou. Once she was there, Lou put an arm around her shoulder and brought her close to him.

I gave Lou one last glare until me and the others walked towards Uglyville.

As I was walking past the crowd, I look to the side and saw Nolan with a sad look. He didn't want me to leave, and I didn't want to leave him. This even means that I won't see my sister ever again.

What will happen to me now?

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