Chapter 20

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Val's POV

"He's right. He does deserve a second chance," I said out loud. This caused for everyone to gasp.

"What? Why?" Moxy asked me.

"I get it. Lou was just feeling lonely. I know what it feels like to be lonely, thanks to Lou," I started explaining as I gave him a stern look. He then looks down ashamed. "But that doesn't make him a bad doll."

I then continue to explain.

"I know that he was upset and tried to destroy us. But, who knows, maybe he didn't mean to do it. He was just to mad to even realize what he was doing," I continue. I then look at the dog. "Put him down," I told it.

The dog then drops Lou and I watch as he falls to the floor. I then walk up to him.

"Maybe he just needs a friend," I say as I hold my hand out to him. He then takes it and I help him up.

Lou then smiles with a blush.

"As long as he doesn't send dolls to Recycling or judge them by how they look, then that's fine with me. Because that shows that he's changed," I then say.

"Thank you," Lou told me with a smile.

I don't know how long we've have been standing there like that, but we finally looked away.

"Hey, guys? Something's not right with the portal," Wedghead told us.

We all then look at the portal and see that it's completely shattered.

Just by listening to the silence, I could tell that everyone is sad.

I look over at Alexis and see her with Nolan. They were holding hands as Alexis leaned her head against his shoulder as he leaned his head on top of hers.

We all then walk towards the broken portal in silence. All around us, I can see the broken pieces.

I look at Lou and see that he's ashamed at what he's done.

I then see Moxy look down in sadness.

Moxy:"There's a child for every doll. But I guess that's not quite true. There won't be one for me now. Or for you. Or you. Or you."

Ox:"I can't believe it's over. And Lou will get his way."

I look at Lou as he looks at me. He was heartbroken. I side hug him as he side hugs me back.

Lucky Bat:"Even dreamers have to wake up. Guess today will be the..."

In the corner of my eye, I see Alexis go to the portal with a broken piece. She then gently places the piece on an empty space.

Alexis:"Show 'em who you are."

Mandy then places a piece on the portal.

Mandy:"Show 'em that you're strong."

I then leave Lou's side and pick up a piece on the ground and walk towards the portal. I then place it on an empty space.

Me:"Show 'em that you know where you belong."

Everyone then starts to put the pieces on the portal.

Lou:"Open every door."

Nolan:"Own your destiny."

I then look up at the portal to see that it has an image of an UglyDoll. I then pick up the last piece with Alexis. We look at each other and nod. We both place the last piece that is a shape of a heart on the missing space.

Me and Alexis:"Look down deep in your heart and believe in the you that you see."

All of a sudden, the portal glows. I then hold onto Lou's hand as Alexis holds onto Nolan's hand.

Me, Lou, Nolan, and Alexis:"Then become what you are and you'll set yourself free."

And just like that, the portal is fixed and complete.

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