Chapter 17

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Val's POV

Well, today's the day. I'm going to run the Gauntlet today with a few other dolls. Even Nolan was going to do the Gauntlet.

As for Nolan, he would always be sad and miss Alexis. I miss her, too. He even told me that he was going to pass the Gauntlet for her.

And as for... Lou, he has been nice to me and would also be by my side. It's kind of annoying and awkward.

But what worried me was that I haven't seen Mandy lately. I hope nothing bad has happened to her.

Okay, so back to reality, the Gauntlet was about to start. There was even a crowd that was going to watch us through a huge screen when we're inside.

The dolls that were going to do the Gauntlet were standing in front of the huge house. I just looked down because I was hoping to do this with my sister. But, knowing that she's not here, I don't feel like being happy.

"Are you ready for the Gauntlet?" Lou asked the crowd. Everyone then started cheering. "I said, 'Are you ready?'" Lou sang.

"Yes! Excuse me. Sorry. Coming through," I heard a familiar voice. I looked up and saw Mandy. I was so happy to know that she was alright.

"Mandy. How unexpected," Lou said.

Just then, I heard almost every doll gasp at what they saw. So I turn to see what they were looking at.

"Step aside, model/engineer," Said an UglyDoll.

Wait, what's an UglyDoll doing here?

I could tell that Lou was shocked to see them.

Wait, if they're here, does that mean...?

I look to the side and see Moxy, Ox, Wage, Lucky Bat, Ugly Dog, Babo, and Alexis coming towards us.

My eyes then landed on Alexis as she looked at me. I smiled and then ran to her as she ran to me. We both hug each other, and I did not want to let go.

Alexis's POV

I can't believe I saw my sister again. I did not want to let go of her.

But, just as we let go, I look behind her and see Nolan. He was surprised and happy to see me.

I slowly started to walk towards him as he did the same. Once we were just a few inches from each other, we ran to each other and brought ourselves in a tight hug. I could tell he was happy to see me, and I was happy, too.

Once we let go, Nolan gives me a warm smile as I smiled back. But that smile faded when he saw my wing.

"What happened to your wing?" He asked me. I then got nervous as Val stood beside me and saw the wing.

I then gestured to Lou, telling them that he did it. They then gave Lou a glare as he was talking to Ox and the others.

Our attention then went on Lou when he spoke up.

"Yes, you'll run the Gauntlet. And I'm gonna run it with you," Lou said. Every doll then started cheering as Lou started doing stretches.

Wait, what?

"You? Run the Gauntlet?" Moxy questioned.

"I don't even have to win. I just need to make sure you lose. And when I'm done, I'll have my loyal subjects escort each and every last UglyDoll to Recycling... where you belonged in the first place," Lou told us.

"Except for Val, of course," Lou then said as he winked at her. Val then gave him a glare.

We all then walked up to the huge elevator.

A robot then started telling everyone the rules and all that stuff.

"Now, as you all know, the Gauntlet is designed to simulate real-world obstacles. The participants must make it through the doggy door and cross the finish line to win," The Robot explained.

The elevator then stops as we all get in our stances. The timer was giving the final countdown(It's the final countdown! XD Sorry.), and once it reached to zero, a buzzer was heard and we all went though the door.

As it was quiet, I looked at my surroundings. It looked like were in some storage room. The silence didn't last until...

"Yes!" Moxy yelled as me, Val, and the rest of the UglyDolls started running.

As we all headed to the doorway, a giant robot dog blocked our exit. As everyone moves out of the way, I see Nolan on the ground in front of the dog. I could see the fear in his eyes.

So I quickly run to him and push him out of the way.

I was then grabbed by the dog as it started running around the room with me held in it's mouth.

"No, Alexis!" I heard Nolan call out to me.

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