Chapter 16

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Alexis's POV

I can't believe we got thrown into Recycling. Especially after Lou snapped my wing. Now I can't fly out of here. Man, he's smart.

I was trying to open the exit door, but it wouldn't budge.

"Alexis, just give it up. We've already tried," Mandy told me.

"But we can't give up," I said as I kept trying to open the door.

I stopped trying when an alarm turned, which must means that the Recycling is turning on. And I was right.

We turned around and saw the grinder and the floor we were standing on started moving towards it.

This isn't good.

We tried running away from it, but it didn't turn out well. We both tripped and got stuck. I then watched in horror as the grinder started getting closer.

And just as I was about to lose hope, Moxy, Ox, Ugly Dog, Lucky Bat, Wage, and Babo showed up.

"Alexis!" Moxy called to me.

"Moxy!" I called back to her as she and the others got us unstuck.

"Ready, Wage? Now!" Babo said as we all were lifted above the ground and formed a bridge from each side of the wall.

"We can't hold this forever!" Moxy told us.

Just then, Babo whistles. We turn to the entrance and saw the other UglyDolls forming a rope and trying to reach to us.

"Hold on tight!" Babo then says.

I was starting a have hope, but it didn't last long until we all fell to the ground.

As everyone holds onto each other, I try to hold on, but I was going towards the grinder. I then get up and start running towards the others.

I even try flying, but, because of the broken wing, I can't.

Moxy then goes to the end and tries to reach out to me.

"Come on, Alexis," Wage said.

"Stretch, Alexis, stretch!" Moxy then tells me as I reached out for her.

I then use all of my energy and reach out and I grabbed onto the thing on Moxy's head.

I let out a sigh in relief, knowing that I wasn't going to die.

"Okay, pull!" Moxy called out to the rest of the UglyDolls.

We all then get pulled up as the Recycling machine shuts down.

Oh, now it shuts down?!!

We then make it to the top, safe and sound.

"Thanks Moxy. I don't know what would have happened if you didn't have that thing on your head," I told her.

Moxy looked like she was deep in thought.

We then hear Gibberish Cat gibbering.

"No, Gibberish Cat, we're not just going home. If Lou tried to recycle Alexis and Mandy, then no one is safe," Moxy stated.

"Moxy's right. I lived my whole life being afraid, but never again. We need to take a stand. All of us!" Ox then said.

"But how? We're rejects! I read it in the paper," Asked a random UglyDoll.

I then decided to join in the conversation.

"We aren't rejects. Our flaws makes us who we are. We even have enough for every doll in the Institute and here," I told everyone.

"I have three brains!"

"And me, I'm shaped like a spork!"

"See this head? It's a wedge!"

"And I'm greedy with the soup!" A lot of UglyDolls started shouting out.

"Those are all worth fighting for! Probably not being greedy with the soup, but the others! Now let our freak flags fly..." I start to say as I tried to fly, but I fell. I totally forgot that my wing was broken. I then quickly stand up and act like that never happened.

"!" I then said as I stood proud.

Cheering was then heard from the crowd of UglyDolls.

"And let's go get my sister back," I then said with confidence.

UglyDolls (OC Insert)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz