Chapter 18

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Val's POV

That dog has my sister!

The dog then leaves the room with Alexis.

"We have to save her," I said as I was running towards the exit, but Lou stopped me.

"Leave her! She's a lost cause. She's gone forever," Lou told me.

I was thinking that maybe he was right, until Alexis showed up on the side of the doorway.

"I'm right here, you know. You could grab my hand," Alexis said as I tried to reach to her, but Lou held me back.

"There's nothing we could've done," Lou then told me.

And just as the dog left, we made it to the exit, but the dog came back as it placed Alexis down and growled at us. Lou then stands in front of me defensively.

"You call that a dog?" Ugly Dog asked as he walked up to the dog. "It's alright, guys. Slick Dog's got this," He then said.

All of a sudden, he changed his outfit and music started playing. He then started dancing to the music, and the robot dog looked like he was enjoying it.

"What are you doing?" Lou asked Ugly Dog.

"Havin' fun, gettin' crazy, gettin' loose," Ugly Dog answered as he continued dancing. "Go! I'll stall him. Go, go, go!" Ugly Dog told us.

But just as I was about to go help my sister, Lou grabs my hand and leads me away from Alexis. Why is he helping me?

Alexis's POV

As Ugly Dog was distracting the robot dog, Nolan comes to me and helps me up.

I then thanked him as we followed everyone else.

Then, me, Nolan, Mandy, and the rest of the UglyDolls slide down the railing of the stairs. I was then able to see Lou, along with the Spy Girls, running to find the exit while pulling my sister with him.

Once we were at the bottom, I didn't realize what was going on behind me and just focused on dodging obstacles that were in front of me. We then started running into a laundry room.

"Heads up, everyone!" Wage said as she looked up.

I then look in her direction and saw Lou on top of laundry washers with my sister and was throwing down stuff, like sponges and soaps.

As the soap spills all over the floor, Nolan grabs my hand and jumps on a sponge as we slide over the soap.

"Time to clean up this mess. Forever," I heard Lou say.

I then see him drop a box and it was falling towards Moxy. I was about to save her, but Mandy beat me to it.

The box lands on top of her instead and we all watch as Lou, along with him pulling Val, run out the room.

"Go, Moxy, Alexis! Keep going!" Mandy told us.

We then started running after Lou as the others helped Mandy up.

Once we made it out of the room, I heard something coming from behind us. We all turn around and say a giant toy truck. We all move out of the way, but it was carrying Ox and Moxy away.

I got worried for them, but that all went aside when I saw them take control of the toy truck. Moxy drives the truck towards us.

We all then hop onto the truck as it drives pass us. As we made it to the last flight of stairs, we saw Lou and Val getting closer to the doggy door.

How are we going to catch up to them?

Without warning, Moxy drives the toy truck towards the stairs. Just then, we all went flying towards the first floor. I held onto Nolan as he held onto me.

And just as we landed, we saw a giant robot baby standing in front of Lou and Val.

The baby then grabs Val without a warning. And just as we stopped in front of the baby, it flips the truck over, which causes us to fly out.

Once I get up, I see Ox on the floor with the toy truck on top of him. I quickly get up and go to him.

"Ox. Are you okay?" I asked him.

"My head feel not good," Ox said.

All of a sudden, I was grabbed by the robot baby as it started shaking Val and I around. My thoughts were then interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Hey! Is it okay for a pet to have their own pet?" Ugly Dog asked as I saw him, along with Babo and Tuesday, riding on top of the robot dog as it was running towards the doggy door.

I then focused on my problem as I heard Lou's voice.

"Unhand her, you annoying little hazard. Let go now!" Lou told the baby as he kicked it.

That shocked me. And I'm sure that shocked everyone else.

The baby then started crying as it drops Val and I. It then grabs Lou and throws him in a toy chest.

As Val and I got up, we saw everyone else waiting by the doggy door as the robot dog held it open.

"Come on, Val and Alexis! You're almost there," They started cheering for us.

Val and I grabbed each other's hand as we ran towards the doggy door.

But what stopped us in our tracks was when we heard the baby's cries. This caused everyone to look at us with a confused look.

Val and I turned around and looked at the baby as it continued crying. We both looked at each other and nodded as we walked towards the baby.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Lou come out of the toy chest and run towards the doggy door. And as he ran passed us, Val stuck her leg out and tripped him.

As we got closer to the baby, we started talking to it.

"It's okay. Don't cry," I told it.

"Yeah. You'll be okay," Val then told the baby as it looked at us.

The baby then picks us up and hugs us.

As the baby continued to hug us, I looked at the others.

"Sorry we didn't pass, guys," I apologized.

Just then, the Gauntlet opens up and reveals the audience cheering and Lou on the ground.

We all then looked at the huge screen and saw that we all passed.

"But, how?" Val asked.

Just then, three robots showed up.

"Gauntlet bypassed! Love and compassion are the doll's true purpose. Run celebration protocol. Time to party!" A robot said as confetti came out.

We were all cheering and celebrating until...

"Look!" Someone in the audience yelled.

We all then looked at the huge screen and saw that Lou didn't pass.

What? How can that be?

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