Chapter 4

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    There was an uncomfortable silence. No one quite knew what to say or do. She wrapped her arms around herself. Trying to cover as much of her torso that she could. Very aware of the eyes on her.

Quietly, over in the large group of men dressed in loose shirts and shorts, she heard someone say "Look at that ass! I wonder if they'll share?"

Her head whipped around. Eyes on fire now, ready to pull someone's balls out of their throat. She stomped, barefoot, to the man who had made the remark, "Tell me," she asked,, "Have you ever had your soul and consciousness ripped from your body and then stuffed into another one?" The man in question looked apprehensive as he shook his head no. "Then I suggest you SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH..." she was prevented from any further movement or words as Poet grabbed her arm, pulling her back toward him. He shot an annoyed look in that general direction of the disrespectful man and moved to take his Muse somewhere more private and protected. The rest of the Warriors and a man with glasses joined them as they walked to a small room.

It held a couple of couches and side tables and some boxes stacked by the walls.

The last man through closed the door. All eyes on her. Again, feeling naked and vulnerable in a strange place surrounded by strange men, she wrapped her arms around herself. Glancing nervously at them all.

Misdirection stepped forward, pulled off his hoodie and held it up for her to put her arms and head through it. She was so grateful, it was all she could do to not cry. The hoodie was a bright blue color and reached all the way to her knees. It made her feel just a little bit more warm and secure.

He gave her the sweetest shy smile and moved back across the room.

They all started talking fast in some language she couldn't understand. She sat on one of the couches, pulled her legs up into the hoody, wrapped her arms around them and tried to wrap her head around what happened today. Her mind was so tired, though. Everything just felt so... weird. This had to be a nightmare. She was going to wake up soon, still back home with her family.

Not understanding a word of the discussion they were having, and tired enough to barely care, she zoned out. Staring blankly at the wall with her head on her knees. All of the boxes stacked there had symbols she'd seen before on them. ⟬⟭ and ⟭⟬.

"Huh," she thought tiredly. "Aren't those the BTS and ARMY logos? I wonder why they have all of these boxes here?"

There was a pause in the discussion, the man with the glasses left the room, and was back moments later with an arm load of water bottles he set on one of the tables. The Warriors each grabbed one, and their discussion continued. Realizing she was thirsty, the Muse stood and reached to grab a water for herself. The moment her fingers wrapped around it, though, there was a loud THWAP that filled the room. She jumped back, yelling "SONOFABITCH", all of the men jumping to their feet, instantly on guard.

Trying to hold back the tears of pain that lined her eyes, the Muse pulled up her sleeve to see an angry red welt across her forearm.

"Seriously?" She muttered to herself.

Poet was immediately there, grabbing her by the arm and asking "What happened?" Running his fingers over the welt, soothing the pain immediately.

"I was thirsty. I just tried to grab a bottle of water". She answered shakily.

Ferocious said something to Poet, who nodded in understanding, and said "Sejong did say we had to give you your food and drink."

"God, I can't believe this. I can't even get water for myself without being whipped." her fiercely independent side was angry and horrified at this. The tears of anger, frustration, pain, and exhaustion starting to fall. She hated to cry. That was pissing her off even more.

The man with glasses came over and handed her a hand towel to wipe her tears with, while Poet wrapped comforting arms around her. She noticed how much calmer she felt when he did that. "He must give awesome hugs," she thought.

Once the tears stopped, she wiped her face with the towel, noticing again the BTS logo on it.

"You guys really like BTS don't you? I keep seeing the logo here"

The group looked awkwardly at each other and then back at her. Ferocious was the one who answered in a thick accent,

"We ARE BTS". 

The Eight | A BTS Soulmate Fic |Where stories live. Discover now