Chapter 5

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She stared at Ferocious, silent. Her whole brain seemed to glitch for a minute.

They all looked nervous at her silence.

Tilting her head to the side, she finally REALLY looked at the Warriors for the first time.

"No." She thought. "No. Nope. What?!? Really? No. No."

Poet spoke up, hand on her shoulder blade "It's true. We are."

Misdirection smiled, trying to lighten the mood, "You know BTS?"

A couple of them groaned at him, but that right there is what made it click in her mind. Made her believe.

The Muse smirked and let out a little snort. This was just insane.

"What?" Snapped Ferocious. "You have a problem?".

Looking at him, now realizing that her Ferocious Warrior is actually Min Yoongi, she said "‪No. I just found it ironic that I have never dated a man that wasn't some sort of musician." His features relaxed some. ‬

"Although most of them were guitarists. I did end up marrying a drummer, though" she rambled quietly, rubbing her eyes, trying to compose her thoughts. She was met with a chorus of "What?" And "You're married?"

"Taking a deep breath, holding back tears, she shook her head. "Not anymore, apparently. Sejong said that, as I was not married in a church, or by what he considered to be a 'qualified individual', He did not acknowledge the union. And," she looked at her Warriors "That it wouldn't have mattered because my soul belongs to my Warriors, and that I am now married to four of you."

Questions started coming in from all sides, adding to her already overwhelmed state.

The man with glasses stepped in, saying something in what she now knew was Korean, quieting them down.

Letting her breathe for a moment.

This is all, just... too much.

As if on cue, the door swung open and a handsome man sauntered in like he owned the place.

Dressed in very fashionable jeans and a brightly colored silk button up shirt with the shiniest black loafers she had ever seen. The men all looked a bit confused at his entrance. When he spoke, The hair on the back of The Muse's neck stood on end. Like Sejong, this man was speaking Korean. And like Sejong, she could understand him.

Fear sparked deep inside and she tried to step quickly backward to get as far away from whoever this was as she could, landing back on the couch that she forgot was there. The new man stopped short. Smiled sadly and spoke. "Hello Princess."

"I'm not a Princess" she stated stubbornly.

The new man chuckled as he moved closer. "I know. Look me in the eye, and you will know me". He squatted down in front of her and allowed her to initiate the eye contact. She gasped.. "Brother?"

Smiling big, he said "That's right, little sister. Big brother Min-Ho to the rescue. Again. I don't know where you've been these last couple of centuries, but I have missed you."

Suddenly standing, Min-Ho faced the Warriors. "And you guys! I've missed the hell out of you! Which one of you is Ferocious?" Yoongi raised his hand and an eyebrow at this new addition to the room.

"Ah, Ferocious, you son of a bitch! Wait until we get a few beers in us and I'll regale you with tales of our past! The battles we fought, the skirts we lifted!", there were a few chuckles around the room, and even Yoongi cracked a little smile.

"But," said Min-Ho "for now, you need to learn how to deal with your Queen. And I'm here to help."

"Deal with me?" She narrowed her eyes at him. Part of her was too tired to want to deal with any of this. Her brain felt mushy. But, apparently, she needed to learn how to be "dealt with".

"Have a seat." 

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