Baby Walker

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"Great job," you say kissing Jon.

"Thanks baby," Jon says kissing you back.

"Get a room you two," Brendon yells across the room taking a sip of water.

"Oh shut up. You do the same thing," Jon yells back, and you laugh.

Jon wraps his arms around your waist,  and you wrap your arms around his neck as you two begin to make out.

"I'm too tired to take a shower," Ryan groans.

"Then don't take a shower," Brendon says.

You and Jon finally stop kissing, and you sit down on the couch.

"I won't stink so bad because I'm wearing girls' deodorant," Ryan says.

Brendon leans in and sniffs Ryan, and he says, "You really do smell like a girl."

Spencer laughs and says, "You smell like a slut."

You, Jon, and Brendon start laughing with Spencer. You and Jon lay down on the couch.  His arms are wrapped around you as you start to doze off.

"Why don't you just go to your bunks," Spencer asks Jon.

"Because she looks so peaceful and cuddly, and she's about to fall asleep anyways," Jon faintly whispers.

When you wake up, Jon's asleep with his arm wrapped around you. You begin to feel nauseous, but you push that feeling back down.

'You can't do this in front of everyone.  They can't know just yet, please, ' you think to yourself.

You close your eyes and take deep breaths, but that doesn't work. You quickly jump up and run into the bathroom. You finish throwing up with Jon holding your hair back.

"Have tou been feeling sick," Jon worriedly asks.

"No," you mumble trying your best to hook him in on the lie.

"Please don't lie to me," Jon sweetly whispers.

You take a deep breath and mumble, "I'm pregnant."

"Oh my God, really," Jon asks.

"Really. Three months along," you nervously say.

He pulls you into a tight hug and asks, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was afraid and still am. I don't have the slightest idea about raising a child. My parents were terrible with my father abusing me and my mom and then she committed suicide. Then I went to the orphanage," you mumble getting cut off by Jon kissing you on the lips.

"You still don't have to worry about doing it alone. You have me, and we even have the guys to help out," Jon says rubbing your arm.

You mumble, "They don't know. No one does."

"Do you want to tell anyone," he asks.

"I guess we can tell them," you mumble.

He wraps his arm around your waist and leads you into the makeshift living room. Brendon, Ryan, and Spencer are sitting around pigging out on chips, popcorn, candy, and soda.

"Hey guys um we have something to tell you," Jon says.

"Go for it man," Spencer says.

Jon looks at you, and you quietly mumble, "I'm p-pregnant."

"Jon and you had sex," Brendon shouts.

"I knew I heard something awhile back," Ryan says laughing.

"Oh my God, " you mumble.

"Well, congrats," Spencer says.

"Yeah Jon congrats on getting you some of this hot girl," Brendon says laughing.

"Oh shut up Brendon. We all know that you have a gay thing going on with Ryan," Jon says which makes Brendon and Ryan become quiet.

Jon turns to you and says, "See it wasn't that scary to tell people."

"You're right," you whisper as he kisses you.

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