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The week moved faster than I expected or maybe I was just too occupied with school work and preparing for the party. I had to go shopping after school each day to pick out clothes and other things for Tyler and I, which was more difficult than I expected.

By Friday, I was beyond stressed, mostly because I had to do all the party preparations without Tyler who was oblivious of the party we were both attending and was still upset with me.

I stepped out of my mum's car in front of Tyler's house, and hurried to the front door. My finger was near the doorbell when the door suddenly swung open. ' Good afternoon Mrs Peter ' I greeted stepping back quickly.

' Oh hello Jason, Tyler is upstairs ' She hurried past me and entered my mum's car. They were having one of their "ladies night" outings again.

I waved them goodbye before walking into the house.

' Is that Jason?! ' A familiar feminine voice yelled from the kitchen. It was Clarisse, Tyler's older sister.

I smiled and walked into the kitchen 'Hi Clarisse '

' Hey Jason, what's with all the shopping bags? '

' Tyler and I are going for a party later tonight. '

' How come Tyler has not disturbed me about it yet '

' Well he doesn't know about it yet '

" Whose party? "

" Kate Jackson's "

" How did you guys get invited? " She asked with a surprised look

" How do other people get invited to parties Clarisse? "

Clarisse snickered " You and Tyler are NOT like other people "

I would have taken that as a compliment if I didn't know Clarisse too well.

I walked out of the kitchen without another word.

" Jason!! " Clarisse called rushing after me.

I ignored her and continued toward the staircase.

" Jason! I meant that in a good way! "


" Please don't tell Tyler I said that "

I didn't spare her a glance or respond to her pleading.

" I'll drive you guys to the party " She said finally.

I smirked and turned to her " Thanks Clarisse "

I loved it when she felt guilty.

~* ~* ~* ~

I stood before Tyler's room door wondering if I should knock or just walk in.

Wait, Why did I even think of knocking?!

I swung the door open and stared at Tyler for a while before closing the door behind me.

Tyler had his headphones on and his back facing where I stood. His fingers kept moving rapidly and his entire focus was on his laptop screen.

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