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Three hours later, we were walking out of the concert hall, chattering. Well, Claire and Tyler did most of the chattering, Ashley and I did more of listening.

“I am so glad you got us front row tickets.” Tyler beamed.

“It's all thanks to my uncle.” Claire replied.

“My heartfelt thanks to him then. Jason, shouldn't you be uploading those videos you took to your social media?”

“Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that.” I replied and got busy with my phone.

“Why is it so important to post the videos?” Ashley asked me.

“It is going to help in facilitating our plan. Everyone loves Eruption and these tickets were sold out almost immediately they were released, I don't think many of our classmates were able to purchase any for themselves, so the fact that we were able to should attract a lot of attention which is what we need now.” I replied.

“But why exactly are you guys doing this?”

“Doing what?”

“You know, your little plan to get popular.”

“Oh. I was pressurized into it.”

Ashley laughed. “And Tyler?”

I glanced at Tyler who was walking ahead of us with Claire. “I think he is doing it for you.”

“For me?” Ashley looked confused. “Why?”

“Remember the day he saw you being picked on?”


“That was the day he accepted Claire's proposal.”

“I don't need him to do anything for me, I'll have to talk to him.”

“Don't stress yourself, it is almost impossible to talk Tyler out of anything, but you can try.” I hastened my footsteps to catch up with Claire and Tyler. “Tyler, Ashley wants to talk to you.”

“Okay.” Tyler replied and left to meet Ashley.

“So, Claire.” I started.

“Yeah, what do you need?”

“Your car keys.”

Claire turned to me with wide eyes. “What?!”

“Your car keys.” I repeated.

“I heard you the first time. What do you need my car keys for?”

“To drive your car.”

“What?! No!”

“Come on.” I pleaded.


“Fine, I'll just take it then.” I shrugged.

Before Claire could realize what I had just said, I snatched her purse and ran off toward the car.

“Jason!! Don't even think about driving my car!!” Claire was running fiercely after me now.

“It is no longer a thought! It is happening!” I retrieved the car keys from her purse and unlocked the car.


I opened the door and settled down in the drivers seat, turning to Claire who just caught up with me, I grinned.

“You...!” She growled then scowled at me before stomping away to the passenger seat.

I honked the car horn to get the attention of Ashley and Tyler. “Hey guys!” I yelled. “You have a new driver and unlike your old one this one is going to be fast!!”

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