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This chapter is dedicated to a very faithful reader BlessingEmeka1.Thanks so much for your votes and comments💕

Unfortunately, this was not a movie where within a sixty-second montage the class president election campaigns would be over, I had to live through each day of the campaign, and thanks to friendship, I also had to participate in it.

“Alright, Jason,” Ashley started. “You have to stand by the entrance and hand out these cupcakes.” She handed me a box containing a good number of cupcakes. “If you run out, just come meet Tyler and I by the campaign stand for a refill, ok?”

I would have loved to say ‘I don't want to hand out cupcakes and neither do I want to participate in your campaign because it is pointless hoping to win when famous cheerleader Catherine Sanders is running!!!’, but my vocal cords quickly betrayed the other parts of me by pushing out the single word “Sure.” through my lips.

“Thanks so much Jason, you have been really helpful.” Ashley beamed and then hurried away, dragging Tyler along by the arm.

I looked down at the box of cupcakes in my hands and could not help but admire the light blue frosting used to write the words ‘Vote Ashley’ over the white frosting that covered the top of the cupcakes. I felt like scooping it off and transporting it into my mouth where my taste buds could savor its sugary bliss, but doing so would defeat the entire aim of the cupcakes and get me into trouble with Ashley. Over the past few days I had realized that Ashley was more aggressive than she looked, so getting her upset, especially over something that meant this much to her, was definitely not the best option.

I walked lazily to the entrance and started handing out cupcakes to those walking in.

“Vote Ashley for class president, you won't regret it.”

These words flowed from my vocal cords to each person I handed a cupcake. Surprisingly, my voice sounded happy and enthusiastic, far from how I was actually feeling.

To be honest I was not having a completely bad time until...

“The legendary fart boy, what up?”

I closed my eyes tightly wishing that when I opened them I would be in my room, letting out a sigh of relief, and saying ‘it was all a dream.’ Sadly such wishes never came through.

I looked up at Jake, Allan and Micheal. “I really don't want any trouble.”

“Neither do we, we just want some cupcakes.” Jake replied, glancing at his friends.

I stared at their smirking faces for a few seconds. “Go ahead and take some.” I replied dryly.

“We want the whole box.” Michael said.

“You can't have the whole box.” I replied.

The smirk on Jake's face disappeared. “And what makes you think we were asking?”

“Like I said I don't want any trouble, you can each have one cupcake and leave, I can't give you the whole box.”

“Alright, we'll just take it then.” Jake snatched the box of cupcakes from my hands in a flash.

“Guys please, can you just act mature for once and return the box.”

Jake glanced at Michael and Allan with a wide grin. “You want us to act mature? How is this for mature?” He reached into the box, took out one cupcake and hurled it at me. I moved to the side just in time to avoid the cupcake.

“You think you're fast right?” Jake said through clenched teeth. “Let's see how fast you are against three.”

In a blink of an eye, cupcakes came flying at me in their numbers and at very high speed. I avoided a some cupcakes, but compared to the ones that hit me, it was a very insignificant amount. After a few seconds, my light blue shirt was covered in cake frosting, so was my face and some parts of my black trouser.

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