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The long awaited election day had finally come, and for me it marked the end of the campaign torture. After today I would be free from campaigning and more importantly from wearing Ashley's polo shirts. 

“Shouldn't you be heading to the auditorium? Why are you moving in the opposite direction?” Tyler asked Ashley when we bumped into her on our way to the election venue. 

“I was looking for the both of you.” She replied. 

“What do you need us for?” I asked. 

“I need you to wear these.” She held up two face caps with ‘Vote Ashley’ imprinted on each of them. 

I opened my mouth to speak, but Tyler beat me to it. “We don't wear caps.”

Ashley's face squeezed into a frown. “What do you mean?”

“My sentence was very clear.”

“Why don't you wear them?”

“Because everyone should have the privilege of seeing our awesome hair all the time.”

Ashley rolled her eyes and turned to me. “Jason?” she said with a hopeful look. 

“What he said.” I replied. 

“We could get Carl and Mason to wear them.” Tyler suggested. 

“I wanted you guys to wear them.”

“We are wearing these polo shirts already, let Carl and Mason wear the caps…please.”

Tyler's last word sounded more like an afterthought, but I hoped it convinced Ashley. 

“Alright, fine.”


“So are you prepared for your speech?” I asked. 

“It is a debate, and yes I am prepared.”

“Is the debate before or after the elections?” Tyler asked. 

I glanced at Ashley and then we both turned to Tyler with furrowed brows. 

“I'm just asking.”

“What do you think?” I asked. 

“I don't know, it could be either.” Tyler shrugged. 

“It is almost time guys, I need to go and you two need to get seats. 

“Good luck!” Tyler and I said after her. 

Not too long after, Tyler and I were settled in the auditorium listening to the ongoing debate  between Ashley and Catherine. Claire was the one who asked the questions and both candidates provided their answers within a limited period of time. 

“Why should you be elected as class president? Catherine?” Claire asked. 

“Because I am obviously the best candidate.” Catherine replied with her usual smile. 

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