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The weekend was over, and this monday morning started like every other monday morning. My alarm rang, waking me up, then my door swung open... but it was not my mum who walked in.

"Dad!!!" I yelled and rushed into his arms for a hug.

"Hey, Jason."

"When did you get back?" I asked, releasing him from the hug.

"Last night, you guys were already asleep when I stepped in."

I hugged him again. "I missed you so much dad."

"I missed you too." he said.

"Are you done with the movie?" I asked.

"Yeah, we wrapped it up about four days ago. But then, my flight had issues, so my return was a bit delayed."

"I'm so happy you're home. How long will you be staying?"

"As long as it takes before I get another contract." My dad replied with a smile.

I smiled back.

"Get dressed for school, you don't want to be late." He added and walked out of my room.

Unlike other mondays, I actually did not want to be late for school.


I had a few doubts... Okay, a lot of doubts about Claire's plan but I was enthusiastic to begin the plan either way.

I brushed my teeth, took a shower and dressed up in a black jean trouser, a white round neck top, a black jean jacket and a pair of black high-tops. I picked my school bag from my study table and headed downstairs for my breakfast.

My dad and Alex were seated at the dinning table, while my mum shuttled between the kitchen and the dinning room, preparing and serving toasted bread, scrambled eggs and tea.

"Morning mum." I greeted.

"Hey. I hope you slept well."

"Yeah, mum."

She smiled. "You must be in a good mood today." She said, handing me a plate of toasted bread and scrambled eggs.

"Why do you say so?" I asked.

"You came out for breakfast early on a school day." my mum replied and walked back into the kitchen.

"At this rate, you would actually go to school on time." Alex added with a raised brow. "Are you okay?"

"I am."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm fine Alex." I said and stuffed my mouth with toast to avoid answering any further questions.

"If you say so." Alex concluded with a shrug.

"Do you need a ride to school?" My dad asked, dropping the newspaper that had been shielding his face, on the table.

"Yeah, sure. But Tyler and I were supposed to walk to school together." I replied.

"I'll take both of you then."

Alex eyed me suspiciously but he didn't say anything. A few minutes later he was done with his breakfast and ready to leave for work.

"Bye Jason." he said, ruffling my dark brown hair before walking toward the front door.

I groaned. "I spent a lot of time combing my hair this morning."

"I noticed." was his reply, accompanied with a smirk.
I glared at him until he was out the front door.

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