15 4 0

For the first time since the sixth grade, I actually enjoyed my classes.

The teachers remained boring and annoying, but unlike other days, I wasn't forced to listen to their long lectures alone, for the entire period,  all thanks to a very chatty lady seating beside me, who took pleasure in distracting me regularly with her complaining.

Claire and I sat at the edge of the classroom in the middle row listening to our calculus teacher,  Mrs Hayden.

"... If Sam were to do a jump off a twenty meter building and his friend, Alex, decides to take a video of the jump. Alex then asks Sam 'how fast will you be falling after a second? '. What formula do you think Sam will apply to provide the correct answer to the question? "

Numerous hands flew up " Ashley " Mrs Hayden called.

A girl stood up and I recalled who she was immediately, the girl Tyler introduced me to, last week. I had no idea she took calculus and then again, I knew nothing else about her, except that she was Tyler's friend.

" Oh my God! " Claire groaned "Can this class be over "

I looked away from Ashley and smiled at Claire " You've said that in every class, since the first period"

" You can't blame me for that, the past two classes have been really boring and this one is only... "

" Jason! Help us out with the next question please " The voice of Mrs Hayden cut Claire off.

" Yes Mrs Hayden " I replied, standing up.

" Very well. Ashley, " Mrs Hayden said,  gesturing toward where Ashley sat with her right arm " provided us with the correct formula to derive how fast Sam will be falling after a second which we used to calculate the answer to be five meters per second. Now, Alex points out to Sam that his answer is an average speed and insists on finding out the speed at exactly one second, how do you think Sam will provide an answer?"

" Well " I began slowly " I'd advise Sam to invent a time so short it does not matter, for example, 'delta t' and then derive the difference in distance between 't' and 't plus delta t'. After deriving the difference in distance, he should then divide his result by the time to derive the speed at exactly one second. "

Mrs Hayden didn't look too impressed, I must have disappointed her by providing the correct answer to her question.


" Can you come to the board...  "

" The answer is ten meters per second, Mrs Hayden " I said before she could complete her sentence.

I needed to let her know that she was not the only one who could cut people off.

The sound of the bell echoed through the classroom, it was lunch time.

Everyone was hurrying out of the classroom, eager to get to the cafeteria  and even more eager to get away from  Mrs Hayden's calculus class.

" So, how did you enjoy your little showing off? " Claire asked, as we walked out of the classroom.

I smiled " I should be asking how you enjoyed it "

" Really? "

" Yes "

" Alright. I enjoyed it just fine. "

" Good to know "

* ~* ~* ~

" Hey guys! " Claire greeted as she settled down beside me with a tray containing her lunch. " This is a great table "

" Why do you say that? " Tyler asked.

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