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I had successfully made enemies with the bartender by turning down seven of his drinks in my bid to find something non-alcoholic. Thankfully the eighth drink met my standards.

" For someone who doesn't take alcohol, this is the wrong kind of party to be in "

I turned to my side and met the eyes of a smiling girl.

" I know, but I'm actually here for a friend"

" Oh, ok "

" I don't think we've met before, what school do you attend? "

" K. C. A "

" Really? I go there too, how come I've never seen you around "

" I'm not that popular "

" Neither are my "

She smiled " I'm Claire "

" Nice to meet you, and I'm Jason "

" Nice to meet you too "

I couldn't think of anything else to say, so I remained quiet.

" Want to dance? " Claire asked after a while.

" I'm not really the dancing type "

" I know, it's pretty obvious, I just didn't want to judge a book by it's cover but I guess in this case, the content of the book is not too different from it's cover "

My eyes widened ' it's obvious ',


I am a great dancer!! 

" Actually, I would love to dance " I blurted out.

" Really?! "

" Yes! "

" That's nice but I'm beginning to rethink my offer, I mean, I would hate to see you embarrass yourself in the presence of all these people just to prove me wrong "

I smiled a little " I think it would be worth it  "

Claire smiled " Alright, let's dance "

She dragged me to the dance floor within seconds and joined in the dancing.

" I don't see any moves!! " She yelled

I laughed " You really want to see some moves?!! "

" Actually, I want to see many!! "

I was about to join in the dancing when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled  it out, Tyler was calling.

I muted it and returned it to my pocket.

Tyler was not going to ruin the fun I was surprisingly having.

*~* ~* ~

Claire and I danced two more songs before returning to the bar to grab some water.

" This place is really stuffy " Claire commented

" Yeah, let's go outside for some fresh air "

As soon as we walked out of the building my nostrils welcomed the pure oxygen and cool fresh air grazed my skin.

" This is nice " I said unconsciously

" What? "

" Um?! " I had almost forgotten I was with someone.

" What's nice? "

" Oh! the breeze, it's really... nice "

" Oh. Yeah "

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