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A very familiar almost screechy voice cut the official off. “Hey guys!!!! Mum!!!! I'm over here!!”

Those words gave me the feeling one would have when in view of the sun after a terrible storm. Never in my life had I been close to being this happy to hear Kim's voice. Usually, her voice was nothing less than a torment, but today it was a great relief and a source of so much joy. 

We were no longer interested in the body bag in front of us or what the expressionless faced woman had to say, all we cared about was getting to Kim and we couldn't seem to do that fast enough. We were all running as fast as we could to the ambulance vehicle that was not too far from where we were standing, and I'm sure we got there in seconds but in my head, as we ran, I kept feeling we had to move faster until we got to Kim. 

There were a few bruises on Kim's face and arms, but from the bright smile her lips spread into, you could tell she was ok. We each took turns giving Kim long tight hugs. On a normal day, I wouldn't have as much as brushed Kim's fingers, but today was different. I was eager for my turn to give her a hug and when it was my turn, I gave her an extremely tight hug. 

Kim had almost died, she could have been the one in that body bag. 

As Kim and I finally separated, I glanced briefly at the Carmichael's, Avril's family. Avril was the one in the body bag. Just like that Mr and Mrs Carmichael had lost their daughter. Mrs Carmichael was weeping on her husband's shoulder, while their six year old daughter ceaselessly poked the body bag, calling her sister's name softly. The scene was way too sad to continue to watch, so I quickly turned back to Kim and my family.

“We will need to take her to the hospital for a proper check up to make sure she is fine.” A member of the paramedics team informed us. 

“Alright.” My mum replied. 

“We can go with her right?” Alex asked. 

“YOU!!!” someone growled suddenly. Everybody's attention was drawn to the direction where the voice had come from. It was Mr Carmichael and he was holding a familiar slender boy threateningly by the collar. 

“You killed my daughter!!!” he yelled. “If you hadn't foolishly sent that video to the press, my daughter would still be alive and breathing. 

“I am sorry sir.” Slender boy managed to say. 

“Be quiet!!” Mr Carmichael yelled back, shaking the young man violently. “That is not going to bring my daughter back!!! ”

The whole place was frozen, everyone was watching Mr Carmichael with wide eyes. 

“Mr Carmichael.” Detective Daniel called,  coming toward him. “You need to calm down.”

Mr Carmichael suddenly pulled out a pistol from his coat and aimed it at Detective Daniel. “Do not take another step or I will shoot.”

Wow! He had a gun in his coat all this time?!  There were a few gasps in the crowd, obviously I was not the only one surprised. 

The police officers around responded quickly. They drew their weapons in a split second and aimed them at Mr Carmichael. 

The detective had a half smile on his face. “You don't want to do that Mr Carmichael.” he said.

“You are right.” Mr Carmichael replied with a half smile of his own. Then suddenly, turning slender boy swiftly such that he now faced Detective Daniel, he secured him by the neck with his elbow pit and then pointed the gun muzzle to the side of the slender boy's  head. “But I'm sure about this one.”

"Oh no!” Caroline’s mother cried. “Please don't hurt my son. Everybody makes mistakes, I'm sure he did not intend for this to happen.”

“Spare me that crap of everybody making mistakes. His mistake just cost me my daughter's life!! My daughter for God sake!” Mr Carmichael then returned his gaze to detective Daniel. “Tell your men to stand down.”

K. C. AOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant