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The weekend passed by much faster than it had come, bringing us into the new week. 

I had thought I was not going to be worried about what Claire said about me joining the basketball team, but throughout the weekend, I couldn't take my mind off it. Claire Davis was a smart and determined lady and she knew exactly how to have her way in anything, so I was beginning to consider changing my response to the issue. 

I had always wanted to be on the school basketball team, but being on the team would mean extra time with Jake Kellen, Allan Rey, Micheal Cole, Dave Harvey and Kelvin Ramirez. It was bad enough having to face them separately, I couldn't risk having dealings with all five of them at the same time. 

“See you during lunch.” Ashley said and walked toward the direction of her locker. 

I enjoyed walking to school with Ashley. Unlike Claire and Tyler, she only spoke when necessary, so walking with her felt like walking alone, which was what I enjoyed. 

I met Claire and Tyler in front of my locker when I got there which was strange. I was used to seeing Tyler there, but within the past few weeks, I only saw Claire in class, after school and never in front of my locker before the first period. “What are you doing here?” I asked her. 

“Since when do you not like my presence?”

“I'm just surprised that you aren't with  Kate and friends.”

“Since the class president elections ended, they no longer crave my presence all the time.”

“As expected.” Tyler said under his breath. 

“I have gotten most of what I need from them, so it doesn't bother me. Besides, I have not been completely kicked out of the group.”

“It's only a matter of time.” Tyler said again in the same low tone.

Claire ignored him. “Basically, I am here to introduce Tyler to his biggest competition.”

Tyler's eyebrows drew together in confusion. “What competition?”  

“The king and queen of school plays, Nicky Rolan and Kira Ripley.”

“How come we've never heard of them?” I  asked.

“Because you never pay much attention to your surroundings, Tyler should know them.”

“I pay attention to my surroundings.” I argued. 

“No you do not.” Tyler replied dryly. “I thought the roles were determined by your talent.” he said to Claire. 

“That is just how it should be, but in reality, Mr Devin gives the lead roles to Nicky and Kira without auditions. Everyone else auditions for the other parts of the play and never for the lead roles.”

“So how do we take out this guy?” Tyler asked. 

“We'll discuss that after school in the gym.”

“Why the gym?” I asked with a raised brow. 

“I'm supposed to interview coach Maximus there, so we could have our discussion while I wait for him to be done with practice.”

A little distance away from where we stood, a girl shrieked, “Nicky Rolan is coming this way!!!!”

Claire, Tyler and I turned toward the axis where the girl's outcry had come from, and a tall guy with long hair emerged from the corner. Most of the girls in the hallway swooned at the sight of him, not literally anyway. I'm not sure why, but I quickly glanced at Claire and was relieved when I found that she was indifferent about the tall guy. 

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