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I strolled into school on Monday morning, putting on the latest pair of jeans the famous company, ‘Trendy Threads’, had to offer, with Ashley by my side. I expected attention from those in the hallway and I got it, but not for my awesome light blue jean, it was for my older sister's kidnap. 

In a blink of an eye, a small group of girls had formed around Ashley and I, each of them asking questions and making strange compliments and comments. 

“I heard about your sister's kidnap, are you okay?”

“You must be so sad and depressed.”

“Oh my God, you're so brave coming to school after such a horrific experience.”

“You're so strong, you were coming to school all through the traumatic experience.”

“I heard one of them was killed. ”

“How is your sister?”

“I know he is depressed, he is just trying to look happy, so brave.”

And on and on it went as the crowd of girls increased. I glanced at Ashley and she whispered “say something.”

I swallowed hard. “I'm very fine, ladies. I am a bit shaken, but it's nothing I can't handle.”

My words opened the doors to more comments on how brave and strong I was. “Trust me ladies, I'm fine.” I looked at Ashley again, and I realised that this would be a great opportunity to help her campaign. I grabbed her by the shoulder and placed her in front of me. “This is my good friend, Ashley Martins!” I had to raise my voice a little to be able to drown out the ‘you're so brave and strong’ comments. 

“She is running for class president.” I continued. “It would mean a lot if you all voted for her this Thursday.”

Most of the girls replied with ‘alright's’, ‘okay's’, and ‘sure's’, while others just nodded, and then they finally dispersed. 

Ashley grinned at me. “Thanks Jason. I thought you didn't care about the election.”

“I don't, but it's no reason not to help out a friend.”

“Thanks for wearing the polo shirt too.”

“You didn't leave me a choice not to, you were  very stern about wearing it when you came by the house on Saturday.”

Ashley laughed. “That's very true. I'm going to my campaign spot, please help me get Tyler and meet me there, both of you.”

“Sure, miss president.”

Ashley grinned. “I like that.” she said before hurrying away. 

As I walked toward Tyler's locker, I couldn't help overhearing the whispers of some of the girls that passed by me. They were whispering about similar things like the girls I met earlier near the school entrance. 

This was truly surprising, I would have never imagined that Kim's kidnap would have increased my popularity among the females. 

Just then, I was engulfed in a bone crushing hug. When I was finally released, I realised that the giver of the hug was a girl I had never met. 

“I heard about your sister's kidnap.” she began. “I must say that you are very strong, pushing through such a traumatic experience and still being able to look happy despite your depressed state.”

Why did they all think I was depressed? Kim and I were not such close siblings. It was true that the experience had affected me a bit especially having to watch someone get shot, but I was fine. I didn't even need to attend therapy like Alex and Kim, so that was a good sign that I was okay. 

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