MoonPhoenix and Ashley's first mission together

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It has been a week since Optimus' proposal to Moon. And today they both decided to tell everyone at base.
MoonPhoenix was in the medbay helping her sire with equipment Optimus and the others went to pick up the kids from so it was just her and her sire, "Hey Sire? I need to talk with you about something." Moon said after putting the last tool away.

Ratchet looked from the screens he was working on and turned to face his daughter with a small smile on his derma, "What would you like to talk about?" He asked walking towards her and looked into her faceplate with concern in his optics.
Taking a deep vent in, she holds up her left servo showing him the ring smiles softly, "Optimus proposed to me last week, Sire."

Ratchet chuckled with a huge smile on his derma and with excitement in his optics, "So he finally asked you and I'm glad. Congratulations, my dear." He kisses her on the forehelm looking happier than you could ever imagine him to be.

"Wait, you knew he was going to propose?" MoonPhoenix looks at Ratchet who nodded his helm as she chuckles softly, "It feels like I'm dreaming still, Sire. I wonder what the others would react?"
Ratchet was just about to answer her when they heard engines of vehicles coming from the entrance as Arcee, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee came driving in with their charges with them. The three humans kids hopped off of their Guardians as they transformed into bot mode.

Miko ran up to MoonPhoenix with excitement in her eyes, Ratchet quickly turned back to his work on the computers, his digits typing away on the keypad, "Guess what, MP?! We are going to have a dance at our school this weekend! And we are allowed to bring anyone to the party!"
"Hey, Miko, hi everyone! What is this dance party you're talking about?" MoonPhoenix asks greeted them, looks around for Optimus and Ashley, "Where's Optimus and Ashley I thought they were with you guys?"
Miko quickly put both hands over her mouth and then silently moved away from Moonphoenix to the human area. Jack and Raf didn't say a word as they both headed to the human area to do their homework from school today. Moonphoenix looked over at the three bots, "Do you three know where Optimus and Ashley is?"
"They probably took the long way here," Arcee stated, walking away from the group down the hallways.
"I wonder what they're up to? And Arcee stays here, please? When Optimus and Ashley come back me and him have something to tell you all." MoonPhoenix said as she went back to work Bumblebee and Bulkhead were playing cybertronian wrecker ball.

Arcee sighed and turned around, walked back into the room and went over to the human area to see what the kids were doing. Just then another sound of a vehicle came from the entrance as Optimus Prime drove in, opening the door for Ashley who jumped out as he transformed into bot mode.

"Thanks, Optimus for picking me up after school," Ashley said looking up at Optimus with a secret in her eyes. Optimus looked down at Ashley with a small smile on his derma as he walked over to Moon and gently kissed her cheekplate.
"Hello, sweet spark. How was your day?" He asked, their optics met looking into one another.

Smiles softly while returning the kiss MoonPhoenix looks at Optimus "It was good. Sire and I got the medbay ready just in case and I already told him. Shall we tell the others to love?"
"Tell us what?" Ashley asked, walking over to them with curiosity in her voice. Everyone stopped what they were doing (except for Ratchet) and looked over at Optimus and Moonpheonix.
Optimus looked from Moon to everyone else who was waiting to see what he would say, "Last week I propose Moonpheonix."
Miko jumped off the couch joy and excitement in her eyes, "Whoa! Yes! You finally ask her to marry you!" She said doing a victory dance.

Jack looks at her and Optimus with a big grin while Rafael shouted for joy but stops, "Wait, guys, we didn't let them finish." He said. Bulkhead looks at Rafael and at Optimus and MoonPhoenix "what did she say?"
MoonPhoenix chuckles as she holds up her servo showing them her ring that Optimus made her "I said yes"
Ashley looked up at Moonpheonix and gently placed her hand on her pede, "Congratulations, MP! I'm so happy for you both!" She said full of joy at the two love birds.

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