all girls camping and finding a wedding dress

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Ashley was walking down the hallways of the Base, being as quiet as possible as she made her way to Moonpheonix and Optimus berthroom and knocked on the door with her hand, "MP? A...Are you...awake?"

Moonphoenix slowly wakes from her recharge and gently removes Optimus’ servo from her waist and gets up quietly as she went to the door and opens it "I'm a *yawns* awake, Asha. What's up?" She asks her charge.
Ashley looked left and right down the hallways to make sure no one was there and looked back up at Moon, "Miko told me you were going to actually take us camping tonight? I told her that you had plans today to pick out your wedding dress. But I wanted to ask you to see if it was true."

"It's true Asha I wanted to take you, Miko, Stardust, and Arcee camping after we pick out my dress,” MoonPhoenix said with a smile, looking down at her, "Once Bulkhead wakes up and takes you and Miko home to get ready."

Optimus groans and stirs from his recharge from all the talking he is hearing. He sits up and faces his sparkmate with a tired smile on his flaceplate. "What are you and *yawns* Asha talking about this "camping trip" I heard so much about?" He asks curiously while still trying to wake himself up.
Turning around to see him awake, Moonphoenix gives him a smile "Morning, Ori. We were talking about today’s plans for shopping for a wedding dress and taking Asha, Miko, and Arcee, out for camping tonight." She said to him.

Optimus slowly nodded as he waited for his tiredness to wear off.
"I'm so sorry for waking you up, Optimus." Ashley apologies shyly looking down instead of looking up at Moon and Optimus.
Optimus just shakes his head and smiles down at the apologetic human girl. "It is alright Ashley, I do not mind, as you humans would say, ‘wake up call’ ". He said with the same smile.

Ashley looked over at Optimus with a smile on her lip, "Thanks, Optimus." She turned her attention back to Moon, "So what time will we meet you at the mall?"
Giving a long and hard thought Moonphoenix smiles as she looks down at her charge, "Does 2 pm sound good?" She asked.

"Sure!" Ashley excitedly said, "I'll go and get Miko so we can meet you there and I was thinking..." She shyly looks up at Moon, "Do you...think...Stardust to join us...too?"
Giving her a nod Moonphoenix leans on Optimus "I bet she will, seeming she wants to know more about the earth and the humans. You may ask her to come." she said. 

Ashley smiled giving both Optimus and Moonpheonix a wave while thanking them as she went off to go and ask Stardust to come camping and shopping with them.
Meanwhile, with Ironhide, he was contacting someone in his room, "Blasted machine work! Ironhide to the sec in command, come in? I have news you want to hear.”
A mysterious voice rang out from the comm signal, "What is this great news you speak of, Ironhide?" The voice asks curiously.

Ironhide gives a smirk on his derma "My niece and I found Optimus and the others here on a planet called earth. You wouldn't believe who else is here with them. It is none other than Moonphoenix! she's online!" He said trying not to get excited and not be loud.
The mystery mech gave out a gasp, "You must be joking Ironhide? My sister is there on Earth....with you, Optimus, and the rest of the Autobot rebellion?" The mech asks in surprise and hope.

"Yes, it’s true! She's here! But, her memories are still coming back slowly. I say more but maybe if you show up as a surprise guest to what humans call a wedding to surprise them," Ironhide said with a sigh, “Just be prepared on what they're going to tell you about how they got her back and how she's still online.”
The mystery mech grinned on the other end of the comms and replied, "I will be prepared, old friend. I am currently here on Mars investigating an energon mine here. Once I'm done here, I will use my cyberfire ability to launch me straight to Earth." The mystery mech said with a confident tone.

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