author's note

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Hi there! 

First off, I'd like to thank you for clicking on my story! I hope you grow to love it as much as I do. This story has been on my mind for quite a while and what better time to start a new fanfiction than during a global pandemic! Most elements are fairly self-explanatory but we do have a few housekeeping matters to get out the way.

Warnings: Alcohol use, smoking, language and grief/mourning. 

Doing some research for the book, I discovered that the legal drinking age in the Wizarding World is seventeen! So while there will be drinking on the part of the characters, none of it will (technically) be underage. Before anybody asks, there will be no smoking of drugs (a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body). 

Images: None of the photos used in this book belong to me, all the rights go to the owners of those images!

Updates: (hopefully) once-twice a week. 

I have put a lot of love and effort into creating Marigold and her story and I hope you all enjoy the ride and please vote and comment to let me know if you're enjoying!

Much love,


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