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The morning arrived shrouded in fog , and from the way the sky was twisting with shades of grey and white, Marigold knew snow was on the horizon

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The morning arrived shrouded in fog , and from the way the sky was twisting with shades of grey and white, Marigold knew snow was on the horizon.

The group all got up early, settling down to their last breakfast together before Angelina, Bernie and Winslow headed home. At eleven on the dot, Marigold, Elin and Diego watched from the platform as the glistening red train slid from Hogsmeade station, before disappearing into the Scottish countryside.

From the station, the trio walked together back up the hill towards the castle. The corridors were completely deserted and a part of Marigold loved hearing the sounds of the wind whistling through the empty castle.

At lunch, the sun began to peek out from behind a patch of clouds and Elin suggested they ate out by the lake. Stopping at the Hall, they stacked plates with sandwiches, mini chicken-pies, fruit and whatever else they could carry across the grounds, finding a spot near the edge of the water: in the shade of the pine tree.

Marigold lay back on her arms, watching the leaves of the tree rustle above her. The lake rippled a few feet from them and she could hear the whistle of the wind over the grounds. Marigold bit into her cheese sandwich, turning her head to watch as Diego bounced a red ball off the trunk of the tree.

"Any creature?" Elin hummed in consideration, "Maybe a unicorn."

Diego scoffed, "I knew you were gonna say that. I want a dragon ... or maybe a phoenix. If it has anything to do with fire, it's immediately cool."

When Marigold had decided that she was staying, one of her biggest fears had been that she would be the only one left at the castle - so, when she found out that Elin and Diego were staying, she couldn't have been happier.

Elin's mums were off in Greece on what Elin relayed as a "second honeymoon", and it was easier for Diego and Rodrigo to stay at Hogwarts than to travel back to Madrid. Either way, she was glad they were there.

"Mm," Marigold allowed her mind to drift away with the theoretical question Diego had presented, "One of those giant three-headed dogs, don't know what they're called. I'd want one of those."

Elin swallowed down her lactose tablet before looking at Marigold incredulously, "Why on Earth would you want one of those?"

"They're cool, it's like having a giant puppy."

"You know," Diego's hair blew into his face as he spoke, "Apparently, there's one in the castle. One of those three-headed dogs."

Marigold perched herself up on her elbows, "Don't talk shite, Diego."

"I'm being serious!"

Elin chuckled, rolling her eyes at the dark haired boy before taking a bite into a piece of apple pie. "Not even Dumbledore's sneaky enough to hide a three-headed dog in a building full of students. Don't be mental."

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