| 26

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Third Person's POV

The turquoise haired walked out of the hospital building. His right hand was in his pocket while his left fingers ran through his pretty-blue-coloured hair that has elegantly swept backward.

He felt his fringe fell to forward onto his forehead as a small sigh managed to escape from his lips. The latter was on his way to the convenience store as it started raining.

"What the hell!?" He exclaimed in frustration as he ran to the convenience store. Luckily he was already at his destination when it started raining. He panted as he did gave a full spirit into the store.

He scanned the store to see no one but a cashier who was looking at him weirdly.

Aaaand I might've creeped him out. Great.

Jimin thought to himself as he gave an awkward smile to the cashier and that as when he gave the cashier a good look. The person had platinum blonde coloured hair as it looks messy, almost as though he just got out of bed.

Actually— it made the cashier looks attractive than he already is.

Wait what the fuck!?

The turquoise haired immediately felt his cheeks warmth as he swiftly turned his heels to the refrigerator where the drink sections were. He opened the fridge as he took out his 2 iced tea and closes the fridge.

He made his way to the counter as he spotted an ice cream that Taehyung used to love. A small smile was plastered on his lips as he strolled over to where the ice cream was.

Turns out, he was too short to reach for it.

"Who on earth place ice creams on the top of the shelves!" He mumbled angrily under his breath while he get on his tippy toes to try and grab the ice cream he wanted to buy for the lilac.

"You got a problem of how I stack the items in here?" Jimin immediately jolted on the spot at the sudden voice as he swiftly whipped his head to the left to find the cashier from earlier.

The blue haired shake his head as he averts his gaze from the male in front of him. "Need some help, shorty?" The unnamed cashier asked in a smooth and deep tone as he looked up to the ice cream the shorter teen wanted to buy.

Jimin gulped at the sound of his voice as it hits him. "Shorty!? Oi, who the hell do you think you are, blond bleachy pants!" The blue haired yelled as he pointed his index finger towards him.

"Blond bleachy pants?" The cashier muttered under his breath as he let out a cute chuckle. He gave  small smile towards Jimin who described it as a 'gummy smile'.

The cashier reached up for the ice cream and handed it to Jimin. "Here." The shorter male mumbled a 'thank you' under his breath as he looked onto the ground.

He watched as the cashier went forward to his counter as he wiggled his index finger back and forth, gesturing Jimin to come forward to the counter. Jimin immediately oblige as he made his way to the counter and placed his items down.

The latter took out his wallet as he handed the money to the cashier. When he was giving the person behind the counter his money, the tips of the cashier's fingers graze softly onto Jimin's softer ones as Jimin went beetroot.

The blue haired quickly retracted his arm back as he took the plastic bags that had his and Taehyung's drinks in there. "Bye, shorty~ Hope to see you soon."

He heard the cashier spoke as he swiftly whipped his head to the cashier. His gaze fell upon his name tag as it read.

Min Yoongi

"It's Jimin, not shorty, Yoongi. See you."

Jimin responded as he turned around and opened the door, closing them softly while he was out. The cashier smiled as he rests his left cheek onto his left palm.

"Jimin, huh? Cute. I hope to see you soon, shorty."


As the latter got out from the store, a blush found itself on Jimin's soft and squishy cheeks. He slowly brought his right hand up to his cheek and softly touched them with his fingertips.

It's warm...

He thought to himself as he felt a small tighten in his chest. "Yoongi's got hots though... wait what the fuck!" Jimin immediately muffled a screamed with his tightly-purse lips as he tug onto his ocean blue hair.

"I literally just met him not too long ago! It's not okay to call a complete stranger hot!" He scoffed as looked down onto his shoes. The rain had stopped when Jimin was in the store.

He sighed as he scratched his nape.

"But then again, he ain't no stranger since I know his name— Fuck! I gave my name to him! That's like the worse thing to give to a stranger!" The teen started yelling like some teenagers getting stressed out over on what to wear for their date.

His thoughts began to wonder on how that so called, 'Yoongi' guy could easily get accessed into his private informations just because he gave his name to him.

The turquoise haired finally calmed down from his wild ass thoughts as he breathed in and out. "Don't worry. It's not like you're going to see him again."

He smiled confidently as he walked back to the hospital and went to the area where Taehyung used to be at.

But when he got there, he wished he would've come earlier. His best friend was on his knees, his gaze glued to the window where Jungkook was visible to him as tears were streaming down his now dampened cheeks.

That was the first time Jimin heard Taehyung shouted a name that was so dear to him in desperation.


- End of Chapter 26

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