Part 12

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Part 12: Your Life Becomes There's You Monsters

The time Juila got through explaining her story to Hank she was tired and just wanted to go home she didn't feel like being out much longer Hank agreed and walked Juila home. 

Juila tries to reach for Hank's shoulder, but he ends up moving away shaking his no it was too soon for the touching fav's yet and Juila sees that.

Juila: I'm sorry to soon I take it I understand.

Hank nods his head not replying but it was enough to get the message to Juila.


Once Juila was home Hank made his way home

Hank was rubbing his tired eyes this has been a long day for him he just wanted some peace in quite he opened the door to the house.


Can be heard

Deimos: I'm gonna kill you four eyes freak!! 

Hank could hear him all the way up stairs then a dish went flying in the room Hank was in thanks to Hank's training he was able to duck out of the way.

Then he see's Sanford going into the same room that Hank was in with Deimos they where both screaming at either.

Sanford found himself on top of Deimos and he was screaming kicking his legs up with like a little kid the two was so busy fighting they didn't even realize Hank was home.

Hank was tired and not in the mood for this he goes and picks up Sanford with his tank top caller and then with his other hand picks up Deimos with his trenchcoat caller and while Hank did this those two was still throwing punches at each other.

Sanford: screw you Deimos!!

Deimos: just say your wrong I was right I know how to talk to girls!!!

Hank then coughed loudly then and only then that it got there attention.

Hank: are you two done I'm tired I'm not in the mood??

The Trio then looks at Hank and he clearly looked tried.  The both of them nod there heads.

Deimos: at least i'm not boring Sanford!!

Hank let go of Deimos and he went running he also let go of Sanford who try's running after him with that last comment.

Hank: let the idiot go Sanford you know better than that.

Sanford: he asks like a child so much of the time he drives me crazy.

Hank: like you don't drive me crazy a long with him??

Sanford looked at Hank who had just gave him a sour comment.

Sanford: you feeling ok Hank??

Hank: like I said I'm tired and that first date with Juila was a disaster....

Sanford: what happened??

Hank: I'm the reason why she hasn't seen her father in years he went to fight me and was never heard from after words.

Sanford: but how we killed agents and there bodies remained where we left them?

Hank: looks like we didn't kill every target we faced.

That made since to Sanford the Hank yawns that's when Sanford see's that he looked really tired.

Hank takes off the red sun glasses and yawns again.

Hank: I'm going to bed try to keep it down with Deimos and Sanford?

Sanford: yeah

Hank: clean up that broken dish one of you threw it almost smacked me in the face when I walk in the door.

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