Chapter 36

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                                                  Chapter 36

Dear Emmeline Davids, Your deadline to come for your yearly visit, is today. We are sure that you have been receiving the letters of caution considering your visit. I'm sorry to inform you that you either come today, or we will be forced to take some highly drastic measures, some in which we are not obligated to mention and others that you may very well know. Although we are not duty-bound to tell you the results of your tardiness, you, on the other hand, are obligated to come. Please do not take this warning for granted seeing that you have ignored the other ones. You are to come between 8am-3pm, any time further will be terminated and stated as not coming at all due to your unneeded resistance. Think excessively before you act on your decision and remember to maintain precaution if you know it would alter your agreement with the company. -Admin T.L.R.H

Emma stared at the letter in her hands, fighting the urge to rip it into pieces. She felt like the ground had opened and swallowed her, engulfing her with complete darkness and utter oblivion.

It was as though her heart had stopped beating but yet she could feel it pounding painfully against her chest, straining her breath and coating it with an unneeded layer of thickness.

She had only read the letter once, usually, she would read them multiple times, praying that she was just imagining it and something would mysteriously change. But this time, this time she read it once. And it still shook her like a ferocious earthquake.

Her eyes were fixed on the printed words before her but the words seemed to have blurred and begun to dance all around. Her body was there, frozen in place in front of her bed for hours, but her mind had wandered off into the pit of her insecurities. God no. God please no, please.

Lord I'm not ready to face this one more time. Father, please don't make me do this again. It slowly draining all my energy and I don't think I can hold on for another go.

She inwardly cried, screaming for a way out, begging that something would turn up and remove her from the position that she dreaded to be in over and over again.

She refused to let the tears out, knowing that it would only deepen the wound that had been exposed.

For God hasn't given you the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and of a sound mind.

She had words of encouragement filling her head, telling her that it would be okay, promising her that she could go through it and come out alive.

But she felt like she couldn't, she felt like that small fear she harbored deep within her had grown into a monster and began to spread all its chaos.

She felt it every year, every year she got the letter informing her that she had to go, but each year it got stronger, it got heavier to carry and painful to even ponder on, the feeling had a grip on her and each time that she seemed to heal, it would resurface and pull her deeper into the pit of terror, waiting for the moment she would finally snap. God please, please.

Why? Just take this away! That's all I ask Lord! I can't handle this again! It has been so long and the pain still hurts the same if not ten times worse!

She took a deep breath in and finally moved from her frozen spot as she dropped the letter on her bed. She walked over to the bathroom and leaned against the sink, staring at herself in the mirror.

She looked into her eyes and could see the inner battle that her, herself was going through. She quickly switched on the tap and splashed water on her face for the millionth time, knowing that if she kept looking into her eyes the pain and fear would seep out and cause her to completely break down.

Quickly stripping off her clothes and getting into the shower, Emma hoped that the drops of water that cascaded down her body would wash away the pain and numbing sorrow.

She finally stepped out from the warmth of the shower and walked into her room, putting her hand in her closet and pulling out the first piece of clothing she felt.

She had pulled out a long black hooded coat and wore her black shirt with her cream-colored skin tights under it.

She sat on her bed and tightened the shoelace of her black and silver high-tops before standing and facing the mirror.

She looked deep into her eyes once more and shut them, not bearing to see the sadness that had dulled their usual vibrant brown.

She took in a deep breath trying to control the panicking thoughts that flew about in her head, only to be granted with the feeling of the formation of tears and causing her to let out another shaky breath.

"God Help."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Hiiiiii! So I'm sorry that this chapter is somewhat short.😫 I've been having this terrible writer's block and the dumb thing is that I'd be like "I'm soooo bored" Then something would tell me to write but then I'd be too lazy. But thank God for giving me the strength to keep on!! I hope you guys like this chapter even though it's a little sad😅

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