A/N Editing Notice

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Wow, 2020, and I first published this book when?? (It was like 2016-2017 ish??) 

Anyway, I've neglected my desire to edit this old (and quite horribly written) fanfic of mine. I'll be going through it and editing a lot of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. I'll be trying to avoid changing anything major but I look back at this book and think; "eugh, my writing was so bad."

So I'm back on wattpad to change that and fix a lot of things lmao 

Regardless of all that, I'm still so surprised people still read this fanfic and for those who have or are currently reading it (or have just finished), I thank you a lot for the support, votes, and comments. This was one of the first fanfics I've written on here and it was a start in my experience with writing (albeit, fanfiction lmao). So seeing it still get love is very :'))) 

So do enjoy the kjfksadjk sketch at the top of Levi (done by me but my finger hurts so :'v ) 

- Ciao :D

[AoT Levi x Dragonborn! Reader] Dovahkiin Is The New Cadet?! [COMPLETED/EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now