Hella POV

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When Declan told me about my family and what was being done to them and how my mother died, I could not believe it. I haven’t seen my parents or my siblings in so long and I didn’t even get to say goodbye. I broke down for my family and for my mother. She was my best friend and I know that it killed her that I had to leave to look for my mate. I remember the talk that she had with my before I left, she said that she knows that I will be the perfect queen because I was strong and gifted with special powers. Once I find my mate and bond with them my powers will activate, and I will rule the realm, and everyone will bow down to me. For my own selfish reasons, I hid from what my destiny is to be, but now I must go back and take what is rightfully mine. I was so enraged that other succubus thought that they can do this and not expect retribution. Then they have another fucking thing coming because I will go back and kill them all. No one will be safe from my vengeance and my motherfucking wrath.

I told Declan that I have found my mate and that he is a demon, but I told him that I am not sure if he wants me anymore because I am tainted. He looked at me confused and I told him what Mark did to me and how he beat me and branded the word whore on my back. Declan became enraged and lifted the shirt on my back and let out a ferocious growl and wanted to kill my mate. I told him to leave him alone and he said that if my mate could not even comfort me then he was not worthy of my love. I told Declan that no matter what I love my mate and that I still want him if he would have me. I told him that if I could get my mate then it would bridge the gap between our kind. I know that those that have attempted to take over what is mine will be killed without judgement.

Declan just smiled at me and told me that I know what I need to do. I had to go back to look for Xavier, I just can’t leave him, I need him, and I want him with every fiber of my being. But before I could find my beloved one, I needed to go back to hell and begin my vengeance against those that have wronged me and my family. They better watch out because I am bringing my own hell with me and they are not going to know what hit them. Declan opened a portal so that we could go back to my home that I left so many years ago. I was surrounded by darkness and you could smell the ash that was so thick and suffocating. I almost forgot what it was like to be back here. But looking at what used to be my home my blood began to boil, and I wanted there fucking blood all over my hands.

When we landed on the ground, I was shocked at what I saw of my home, it looked run down and the walls looked like they would crumble at any moment. I see other succubus’ walking around and growled when they saw me, they immediately bowed on their knees with fear in their eyes. I kept my head raised high and my eyebrow lifted at there stance.  I didn’t trust them because I didn’t know if they were friend or foe. I looked to Declan and he stated that they are slaves that are being beaten and I walked up to them and asked them to pledge their allegiance to me and that I will get them out. They lifted their head to me with a smile and said that they would follow their Queen to their death. I told them to get other succubus’ that are willing to follow because I have returned to take back what is mine and I will kill anyone who dares to go against me. I told them to look for my siblings as well and get them to meet me in front of the castle. They immediately left and ran back inside to gather those that are willing to fight by myside because I have every intention to fight every single one of those motherfuckers who hurt what belongs to me. I could hear music blasting loud as other succubus walk towards me with my siblings leading them with huge smiles on their faces. I know this song its by Halsey and it’s called Castle and this song could not be more fitting at this moment.

Sick of all these people talking,

sick of all this noise

Tired of all these cameras

flashing, sick of being poised

And now my neck is open wide,

begging for a fist around it

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