Xavier & Hella POV

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I still needed to fulfill my part of the bond Hella needed to have sex with my true demon form. I had to plan for the ceremony, and it needed to be done in front of others so that they could verify that the ritual was completed. Luca had to be there as he was my right hand and I needed to let Hella know that she had to pick one other person as well. Hella had asked me on how Genevieve was able to pass through and I told her that she is with Luca and somehow part of his powers transferred to her as well. Hella was confused as to how in the hell could something like that even happen. She told me that Genevieve is her best friend and that Luca better treat her good or that she would chop his dick off, and because he was my friend that threat also applied to me as well. I covered my dick on reflex because I needed my dick. I told her that how was I supposed to satisfy her, and she said that I had my tongue. She had an evil smile on her face and that truly scared me because I knew that she was fucking serious. I told her that I already threatened Luca already he said that he loves her, and this seemed to satisfy her as well.

I talked to Luca and I told him that I was going to plan for the ritual later that evening and I told him that I had to get everything ready but that I wanted to do something special for Hella. Living on earth some of there traditions I found meaningful such as marriage and I never thought that I would want something like that until I met Hella. Even though those traditions really didn't apply to us in our realm it is something I want for us as well. So, I figured before we complete the ritual, we could marry first. I am not sure if this is something the Hella would even want but I'm hoping that she will. If I was being honest with myself, I found that I was nervous. I never got to ask what Hella wanted I know that we are mates, but I don't even know if she believes in all this marriage stuff. I was sitting in my room when I heard a door opening and closing, I felt a hand on my shoulder and Luca asked me why so deep in thought. I asked Luca what are his thoughts on this whole marriage situation that the humans partake in on earth? He raised his eyebrows in question, and I explained to him how I felt about Hella. After my explanation he understood what I was feeling and now that he had a better understanding and he was able to give me a better answer. He was quiet for some time while leaving me in suspense and he said that he thinks that it is a very good idea and that it would bring us closer as mates. He said that he thinks that he would like to do the same thing with Genevieve as well because of her being human. I asked him if he was able to figure out how she was able to get out of the portal and use the powers on the succubus. He thinks that maybe some of his powers transferred over to her, but he needs to meet with an oracle to find out. He said that he wishes that Genevieve could have been his mate but either way he loves her, and he is happy. I was able to transport myself back to earth along with Luca so that we could go ahead and get the things that we needed for our women. That being we needed rings and hopefully the girls would say yes. After making our purchases we transported back and began to prepare for my ritual for Hella. As a demon king I needed to be dressed in my traditional black garment and Hella had to be dressed in a black gown with slits on both sides up to her hips and a V-neck that went down to her belly button. Just thinking about it made my cock hard and I could not wait for the ritual tonight. I sent one of my servants to deliver that gown to her as I could not see her before then, the ritual had to take place in my realm.


Xavier sent one of his servants with a beautiful black gown for the ritual that was supposed to take place in his realm and that this would complete our mating bond. I had thought that it was complete already. I questioned his servant and asked that what was the final mating bond and he said that I needed to have sex with his true demon self and I was a little apprehensive because I have never seen Xavier in his true demon form. I have seen his angry side and how his eyes glow red but never his true self. I was shocked to learn that he was the king of the demon realm. During the battle I had wondered why there was so much fear when all the demons blasted from there portal and why all the succubus parted ways for him to walk through. I was just happy that my beloved one found me. Xavier's servant said that I needed to find someone that can witness our mating bond to verify that it took place and I asked who Xavier's witness is going to be and he stated that it would be Luca. After that the servant left and I sought out Genevieve and I explained to her about the ritual and I asked her is she would be a witness for me, and she said yes right away. I was happy that she was here with me but at the same time I wondered how she was able to pass into my realm with her being a human. She explained what her and Luca felt that because she was virgin at the time when her and Luca had sex that maybe he transferred some of his powers because he spilled the blood of an innocent. She said that she is so happy with him, and that she loves him so much already, even though they hardly know each other. I was happy for her because she deserved a happy ending just like Xavier and me. I started to get ready for the ritual later tonight and once I had the gown on a servant of Xavier came to get is to transport us to his realm. When we arrived, I was in shock at how everything looked it was so beautiful. His castle was exquisite and walking a path towards the back I was surrounded by black roses and the rose petals all over the floor. Xavier was standing at an alter with Luca and when he saw me, I could hear his growl and I immediately clenched my thighs together. He also was wearing a lose black shirt with lose black pants that hung dangerously low on his hips. I licked my lips at how he looked and a whimper passed my lips and Luca took Genevieve to the side and Xavier took my hand and we stepped up to the alter and he held my hand in his own and caressed my face. He told me that he loves me and that he had an important question to ask me and he said that he doesn't know what my thoughts are on the human traditions.

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