Chapter Thirtyseven

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"As soon as Madam Pomfrey releases me, we'll go to Dumbledore." I decide.
"And," Remus drops his voice to a whisper. "I overheard her telling McGonagall that she's taking your bandages off tomorrow. She said you'd be released soon after that."
"I just... I hope that Dumbledore will-" I start to say, but I'm cut off. 
"That I will what?" I look up and see Dumbledore striding into the Hospital Wing. 
"Erm... I um, I have a story to tell you, Professor."
"I believe that you do. Now, if you could excuse us, Mr. Lupin." Dumbledore says, and Remus gazes at me warily.
"Go." I mutter, and he reluctantly leaves.
Dumbledore takes Remus' chair, and gazes at me with his intimidating blue eyes. "Now, what happened to you, Ms. Noble?"


"Interesting..." Dumbledore muses. "If it was truly Ms. Dower who did this to you, which I believe it was, I doubt she was acting under her own actions, like you said. I believe Mr. Lupin was right in saying that she had the Imperius Curse cast upon her. We will have to investigate this further. And, I trust that you will keep this conversation and story a complete secret?"
"Yes, Sir." I respond immediately. "But..."
"Mr. Lupin can be an exception. Now, about that bracelet of yours... You're sure you had it on before you were attacked?"
"Yes, Sir. Positive."
"This could make our investigation easier. If we find the bracelet, we could find the culprit."
"Sir... If you find anything, will you tell me?" 
"Of course." He says, standing up. "Now, I must be going. Thank you for telling me your story, Ms. Noble."
"Thank you, Sir."  


Short and suckish, but I assure you that the next chapter will be much more interesting!

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