Isaac Lahey | Watch yourself Hale

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The door to Derek's loft was heavy, too heavy for you to open in your state. You leaned against the wall beside it and used the only strength you had left to bang on the door. Moments later, Derek emerged from behind the large steel door, "Y/N?" He looked at your pale face, "What have you done?" He dragged you inside and set you gently on the couch.

"Tell is what happened" Scott orders, Issac pushes through them all standing around you. He looks shocked as you lift up your shirt, revealing a foot long cut on your abdomen.

"Thankfully it wasn't deep or you'd be in some serious trouble" Derek says as he places gauze on your wound. Issac takes your hand.

"I was just jogging through the woods like I do every day and then this thing came out of nowhere. It was fast, it looked human but it had sharp claws" I explain to them, Issac kisses your forehead.

"It was an Alpha" Peter announces, "Unfortunately, the wound isn't deep enough to change her so she is useless to us now"

"Excuse me?" Issac stands, towering over Peter "You better watch yourself Hale" he growls. Peter pushes him back, Issac's anger grows. They are both about to turn, when you grab his hand. Your steady heart beat, calms him. He snarls at Peter and sits, placing your head on his lap once again.

"Don't worry, you'll be back to jogging in no time" Derek smiles at you, "Just not through the woods anymore"

"Not even with the company of the big bad wolf?" you look up at Issac and laugh.

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