Derek Hale | Jennifer Blake

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You parked your hummer outside Derek's building and hopped out, you walk into the building and immediately sensed something that didn't feel right. You sauntered up the steps to Derek's apartment and pounded your fist on the door, it was flung open seconds later to reveal Jennifer Blake. You growled at her and lerched forward only to be thrown back with great force.

"You really don't pay attention, do you?" She sprinkles more mountain ash along the doorway.

"I swear to god if you hurt her..." You hear Derek shout from deep in the apartment.

"What? What are you going to do? You weak little mutt."

"Oh Derek, Derek, Derek.. you see I can talk to her what ever way I feel like because guess what?!" She says "NEITHER OF YOU CAN DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!" As you crept closer, you saw she had Derek tied around one of the posts.
"Well bitch! One of us can now!" You screamed at her, flashing your vibrant red eyes. You stood up and attempted what Scott achieved, you put all your power into pushing up against the force field with your hands. The purple light caused by your force was getting lighter and lighter indicating that the field was almost broken.

You gave another power filled push on to the force field and it finally broken causing you to smile mockingly at Jennifer. Anger raged inside of you as you watched what she was doing to Derek, you took two long fast strides towards her and slapped her with your clawed hand. Jennifer fell backwards and hit a wall hard before collapsing to the ground.

You walked around to the back of the post and un-tied Derek, "Y/N, you are truly a life saver"

"Literally" you say turning around to finish off Jennifer, Derek grabbed your waist and pulled you towards him. As he leaned in your heart beat sped up, Derek smiled before kissing you gently but passionately on the lips.

"I love you so much" he whispers against your lips,

"I love you t-" a sharp pain in your stomach cut you off. You slowly started falling but Derek held you.

"That bitch" he mumbled setting you down gently before finishing off Jennifer. You lay there, still, on the floor, you feel a pair of hands pick you up and set you on the couch, stomach first. You felt sharp pains as Derek pulls out whatever Jennifer stabbed you with.

"Y/N stay with me" Derek says, your eyes start to flutter and your surrounding slowly start darkening until it was completely dark.

You slowly opened your eyes and Derek's face popped up "Guys! I think she's awake!" Scott, stiles, Lydia, Allison and Isaac appeared beside you. Not remembering what happened you gave Derek a confused look and he explained the whole night in full detail.

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