Isaac Lahey | Am I going to die?

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You rushed through the dark woods, trying to avoid any trees while you ran for your life. While you were on your walk through the trails in the forest, you noticed a fairly large animal with glowing red eyes making its way towards you. You hadn't a clue what the thing chasing you actually was. Running made no difference, the thing was fast, faster than anything you'd ever come across. You stumbled on a tree root and fell. The animal, or what you thought was an animal, loomed over you. It's body was human but it's face had hair and fangs.

"So pretty" it had a deep growling voice. You struggled but it had you pinned down, sinking it's claws into your forearms. It bit deep into your forearm, you let out an agonizing cry. Issac heard your cries from the McCall house and came running. He was too late, the creature had run off moments before he arrived.

"Madi!" he called out, you groaned to get his attention. "Oh my, what happened" he examined the wound on your arm.

"This thing, it was human but it had these fangs and red eyes. It talked to me." you looked up at him, "What's happening to me?"

"This is going to sound crazy but you have to listen to me" he helped you sit up "The thing that attacked you was a werewolf"

You laughed "That's funny babe but can we be serious for a second?" You looked into his eyes, you knew then that his words were serious. "A werewolf?"

"Yes, I know this because I am one too. Now don't freak out, I would never hurt you but we need to get you to Derek" he picks you up, you wrap your legs around his waist as he jogs toward town.

"Am I going to die" you ask, your heart was beating one million miles an hour.

"I would never let that happen"

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