Peter Hale | Nightmares

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Blood covered your hands, you looked down at Peter's lifeless body. You couldn't control yourself anymore. You dropped to your knees and cried, screamed, held his body close.

"Y/N!" It was Peter. "Y/N!" the body in front of you was gone and you began to shake. You finally woke up, tears streaming down your face, you opened your eyes.

"I can't control it anymore Peter" you cried into his chest. He rocked you back and forth.

"We'll find someone that can help with the nightmares. It will be okay"

"What if I hurt you?" You looked up at him, you could tell he was worried. You were a much stronger type of werewolf than the others in town, you were dangerous and needed help.

"You won't." he laid back, your head on his chest. His heart beat was steady, his touch soft, eventually you fell back asleep. You had a dreamless sleep for the first time in what seemed like forever.

The nights that followed were calm and dreamless. You were fond of sleep now but it terrified you to your very core to think about losing control again.

The next night was not a calm or dreamless sleep. This time the nightmares came back bloodier and more vivid than usual. This time, instead of laying motionless, you got up and walked around. Peter watched as you walked around the bed toward him, bearing your claws. "Y/N" he called as you climb on top of him. You sank your claws into his chest. "Y/N!" he shouted in pain. Your eyes flickered open and your claws retracted.

You looked down at the man in pain "No no no" you scrambled away from him "What have I done" you fell from the bed, hitting your head on the concrete. Peter, now fully healed, rushed toward you. You started crying harder than ever. He picked you up and laid you on the bed. "Peter you have to leave me. I've hurt you too many times. Please"

"Y/N, I'm not leaving. In the morning, we're going to Derek. He can help you. I'm not leaving. I love you" he hugged you tight as he stroked your hair.

"I love you too"

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