Isaac Lahey | Stay with me?

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You left pillows in the shape of a person in your bed before jumping out the window. You took off into the night, running as fast as your legs could carry you. Rocks clinked against Issac's window as you threw them until he appeared at the glass. He looked broken and beaten. You used the vines on the side of the house to get up to the second floor window. He sat on his bed, head in his hands.

Telling him to stand up for himself was like talking to a wall at this point. You tell him every time this happens that if he doesn't say something to his father then you will but every time he asks you not to, tells you he has it under control. Seeing him hurt broke your heart into a million pieces.

"Stay with me for a couple nights. Please?" You sit on your knees in front of him. He agrees and packs a bag. Disappearing for a few days would not go over well with Issac's dad but this was the last time you would let him hurt your boyfriend. The two of you sneak out of the house and sprint to the loft you share with Derek, your older brother.

"Are you sure he won't mind?" Issac whispers as you creep up the stairs to your room.

"You should probably just stay in my room, he never goes in there so he won't even find out." You settle into your room and fall asleep in his arms.

The next morning, you tried to sneak extra food for Issac.

"Who's all that for?" Derek points to your heaping plate of food. You ate a lot but this was enough to feed a small country.

"Ummmm me." You hurry off before he can question you further. "Hungry?" You ask Issac.

Your door opens suddenly and before Issac can hide, Derek enters the room. "Why is there a boy in your bed?!" He stands with his arms crossed.

"This is Issac, He has to stay with us for a couple days"

"Oh really? He HAS to stay with us? No this is my house, get him out." He turns to leave but you grab his arm.

"Derek please. He can't go home." You look at Issac for permission to tell your brother about his situation.

"Things aren't good at my place. My dad drinks and when he drinks, he gets violent" Issac explains.

Derek nods "Okay. We'll take care of it. You can stay here as long as you need but no funny business. Issac stays in the guest room and if I find out that you're sneaking up here" He points to us both "You're dead"

"Such a funny joke for this situation, numb skull"

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