Football Game

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Football Game

Dedicated to LyraDream

Everyone including you stared into the scoreboard; these were the last seconds of Louis' football game. Suddenly everyone in the bleachers surrounding you stood up in an uproar, one last glance at the scoreboard.. Our team had won!

You looked into the mess of football players exchanging handshakes.. but only one boy had caught your eye. Once he had noticed you too, he smiled and waved. "GO LOUIS!" you shouted in excitement.

He ran his hand through his hair, shaking his hazel brown locks back and forth graciously causing the beads of sweat fall off onto the green grass below. His jersey outlined his arms and chest perfectly. Louis looked beautiful even after his game!

Before you knew it the cheerleaders were in the field doing their routine and the people were all busy gossiping.

The cluster of men were headed back to the locker rooms. You dashed off the bleachers, sprinting to the school through the parking lot, running up to the doors to the athletic apartment and tugged on it. "Rats.." It was locked.

Luckily a late night janitor was walking by. "Can I help you?" he asked, opening the door ever so slightly.

"I..uhm. I forgot some of my books. My locker is right down the hall" you lied.

The man hesitated but granted you access into the school. "Make it quick please."

You were walking down the empty hallway making yourself non-suspicious while feeling the janitors eyes burn a hole through your back. You turned the corner and came across a door, 'Men's Locker Room' it read.

Score! Quickly, you glanced into the mirror from your purse and tousled the fringe of your hair a little bit. Steadily, your hand gripped the door handle and ferociously swung it open.

"Oh my god! It's a girl!" Niall shrieked causing the attention of the other men in the locker room to look. "Yeah Niall.. this is my new hangout spot" you joked, playfully punching his arm.

"Don't pull my towel off of me" he stated.

You chuckled out loud and looked him over; You had to work hard to bring your eyes back up to meet his crystal aquamarine orbs. Niall and you used to be an exclusive item, a fling perhaps, nothing serious. But later decided that it's better off to be friends. "I wouldn't dream of it" you spoke under your breath.

You twirled on your heel, heading down the aisle of lockers looking for Louis and trying not to look at anyone else.

"There you are!" You ran down the hall wrapping your arms Louis' freshly clean, wet and naked back. He quickly attached his lips to yours. You inhaled his newly sprayed cologne. It smelt so sweet.

"Babe I've been missing you," he whispered in an almost non audible tone.

"Me too!" You nuzzled against his neck planting a kiss.

"[Y/N].." Louis randomly said. His voice all serious. You tensed up. Did you do something wrong? Are you in trouble?

"[Y/N], It's okay," Louis broke your train of thought. "I was wondering if you wanted to come to my house after I get changed.." he questioned and fiddled with the ends of your hair between his fingers. You nodded your head in agreement.

"Ok! Just let-" Louis began.

"Shh," You hushed him with your finger. Taking it and trailing along his jawline, down his neck. You kissed him softly and pushed him backwards into the locker that was behind him, running your other fingers through his partially wet spikes of hair. In the background you heard the last of the guys leave the locker room.

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