Pogue doesnt leave a pogue behind

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You never realise how strong you are,
Until being strong is your only choice.

"Light! Lights! Hissed Pope angrily at John b who was struggling to turn off his Lantern.

"Turn your light off, man!" JJ hissed angrily as John b still struggled.

"John b?" Kie says annoyed and in fear causing me to jump up.

I quickly take the Lantern from John b and switch it off causing them all sigh and John b to sigh in relief.

"I see something!" We hear someone shout causing us all to look at each other in fear.

"Do you think its them?" Asks Kie worried as JJ peered around the corner.

"Homies got a gun." States JJ.

I crouch down next to Kie and Pope as I steady my breathing thinking of a way to get out of this.

"Screw this." Kie says causing me to look at her confused as she set off.

"What is she doing?!" I hiss as John b follows causing the others to follow.

"There!" Shouts the men causing me to groan and follow them.

I run behind them struggling to keep up as we reach an old tall gate causing them to climb. Kie clears the gate first, soon followed by John b and JJ. I climb the gate swing my leg over the other side and jump down.

However, as I jumped down I landed in some sort of small hole causing my knees to buckle and me to hit the floor. I go to stand up but somehow through my fall i had managed to get my foot stuck in the bars on the gate.

I'm having really bad Deja vu right now.

"Guys, I'm stuck!" I hear Pope worry causing me to look up at him who was quite clearly stuck.

"Pope, come on!" JJ says frantically.

"I got you." Kie says as her and John b immediately get to work pulling down as i frantically try to pull my foot out.

"No. Pope, dont move, okay?" JJ orders causing me to look at him.

"JJ, put the gun down!" I order causing John b to push JJ's gun down.

"You're gonna rip me." Pope says worried as I continue to pull at my foot.

I tired to twist my foot out but with me panicking from Pope getting stuck and the sound of an engine growing closer it was harder.

"Wait. You're gonna rip me!" I hear Pope say as I ripping sound was heard.

"You're fine, come on!" Orders Kie as Pope jumped down leaving his shorts on the gate.

"Nice, it's a little Tootsie roll." Laughed JJ as they all start to run away.

"No. No. No. Not again." I say frantically in fear of being left behind.

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