Topper did what?!

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People like to brag.
That's what I've learnt.
Whether it's about money, cars, relationships or lifes.
They love to brag. But it's not all bad.

"Mia, wait please." JJ calls as he runs up to me as I wipe away a tear that was slipping down my face.

"Mia." He says as he grabs my hand turning me around.

"What?" I ask sadly before looking into his eyes.

"I'm sorry. I-- I didnt mean to upset you." He says as he frowns himself looking at the floor.

In that moment he looked like a child. Vulnerable. It made my heart soften. Was I too harsh on him?

"I didnt think it would hurt you. I was just so happy about everything for once in my life and I know it sounds weird because I was just arrested but yesterday was honestly the best day I had in my life. And that was because of you." He says seriously finally lifting his head to look at me.

"Are you using me?" I ask through a silent sob causing his face to fall.

He looked hurt that I would even suggest that he would use me.

"No. God no." He shook his head.

"I- I could never use you. You're too good for that." He says gently as he lifts his hand to lift my chin up.

"John b might be using sarah but that doesnt mean I would use you." He says gently as he wipes a stray tear with his thumb.

"I know we never used to get along and we hated each other but honestly. You make me feel things I've never felt before. I'm scared." He confesses causing me to look at him shocked.

He was scared? I didnt want him to feel scared. Was I being to clingy or pushy?

"That's why I told John b." He adds pulling me from my thoughts.

"I thought if I told my best friend then maybe I'd understand what I'm feeling. But I wasnt expecting him to blurt it out infront of the whole group and I'm sorry." JJ apologise as I fiddle with his fingers in my hands.

"Did you?" I ask him curiously.

"Did I What?" He asks confused.

"Did you understand what you were feeling?" I ask pulling my eyes up to look at him.

The was a small moment of silent where I questioned if i went over the line. I had learnt that JJ didnt like opening up to people.

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