"I am a WOLF?!"

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The night is solely calm and quiet tonight~ And the stars are out brilliantly and dimly twinkling their lights from the far distant.

I could see that much from the window of my bedroom because I am looking up at the night sky with my legs stuck up together between my circled arms on my bed.

The breeze was somewhat chilly when it came across my skin that I wrapped myself more tightly with my arms and rested my chin on my knees which were cuddled together.

And I sniffed~

Yes, I sniffed...

I closed my eyes and emmersed myself in the thought that my tears welled out by their own.

What if things could have been different back then?? I thought in my mind.

It was a painful memory that I could hardly let go... Because in that memory was a person I cherished more than anything~

But I think I messed up~

My head suddenly felt dizzy and my body felt suddenly heavy that I dropped myself on the bed and gradually lost consciousness in the midst of the serene darkness of my room..


What are those sounds?? It feels so near and real~


Clearly those are howls~

But who are howling??

Wait... Could it be?? Those howls are~

I heard the rustles of dried leaves and the steps drew nearer as I heard. There is something walking nearer to me~ What are those?? Who??

And why can't I feel my bed??

I tried to move and my arms suddenly felt light so I dared to open my eyes that I even got dazzled by the moonlight. Was the moon this bright before???

My eyes blinked for a couple of times before I managed to get up and I was supposed to rub my eyes with my hands when I felt soft hairs on my face when I rubbed myself.


I heard the rustles of dried leaves again and that's when I saw a silhouette before me that frightened me for the time being.

"Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab it. Anger is bad, dump it. Fear is aweful, face it. Memories are sweet, cherish it."

A voice?? The silhouette spoke to me????!

But how in the world??

I am confused that I stepped aback from the silhouette before me and the moon was behind the silhouette with its light as ever brighter than what I normally see it at night and it is abnormally big like in a close-up view.

"Who- who are you??"

My voice was somewhat shaky since I am knowingly hesitant to speak and seeing the figure of the silhouette before me made me even more uncomfortable. What is happening anyways?? Where am I??

"Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab it. Anger is bad, dump it. Fear is aweful, face it. Memories are sweet, cherish it."

Again with the voice~ He really spoke?? But who-

"Remember these and you will be you again in the next birth of the night ruler~ Find the golden labyrinth that keeps a mother flower in a fall to send across Triangle Pass and tie the lace that was once broken~"

What is he saying??? A golden labyrinth?? And a mother what?? Triangle Pass and lace?? Wait~ Who is he anyways???

"He-hey~ Who are you, really??"

I asked for another time and the silhouette suddenly moved further and away and the brightness of the moon dazzled me more that I got to close my eyes.


"I think I just had the weirdest dream ever~"

I heard the lively chirpings of birds that greeted my morning when I was awoken and I even yawned. I rubbed my eyes since it is my morning habit and simply feeling my hand made me got up in confusion and wonder.


All around me were trees and dried leaves where I laid when I slept - I think???

I got confused and saw my arms and feet... They weren't human limbs anymore???!

"Oh no~ I guess I am still dreaming??" I was in a panic and I roamed my sight around looking for a person or anyone I could talk to about what is happening.

I dared to blink a couple of times and also closed and opened my eyes and hit my head on the ground just to at least wake me up if ever I am dreaming.

But no way, I can't wake up! I am still awake though so this means I am not dreaming!!

I heard a bird and saw a woodpecker up on a treebranch above me that I got creeped out when it looked down on me so I ran away from it and dashed my way through the trees of this forest-looking place.


I yelled with the top of my voice but I felt no one that I even slipped and hurt my right front paw and I rolled downhill that I finally hit myself against a treetrunk by a river. The pain of the impact crept in my body before I got up on my feet barely able to stand up.

"Gosh~ That was a bad fall~"

I brought my sight towards the rushing river and I walked towards it barely using my front right paw to touch the ground since it hurts.


I shouted in terror and in surprise when I finally saw my reflection on the clear rushing water.

I even shook my head but I saw the same reflection when I opened my eyes again.

"No way??!! This is definitely surreal!!"

I stomped onto the water that I regretted doing so because I felt pain with my right front paw after I did.

"AAAAAHHH!! I am a WOLF???!"

I got so carried away so I howled and I even was surprised that I did.

"No way!! No way!! I really am a WOLF???!"

This day was the most surreal day I ever had in my life. For twenty years that I lived as a simple person, this is just not what I imagined to wake up with.

"I have become a she-wolf!"


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