"Clue for a Clue"

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I was silenced for a moment before I trailed off an amused kind of chuckle that confused the little one and she even tilted her head still eyeing me and waiting for my answer.

"If I say which I am, what will you do?? Will you try to run away or will you face me to fight?"

"All I ask is to know whether you will spare me or not... Whatever I do after I hear your answer is mine to take action... So answer me, miss wolf~ What is your name??"

I got up from being seated and I noticed how the pup retorted quickly being mindful enough and gesturing a sense to defend herself if ever.

I only turned around with my back on her and I tried to look for the sound of vehicles to go back to where the road is.

"My name is Mazer~ Are you going to leave me be??"

I was caught up when I heard the pup to have introduced herself behind me and I turned my head only to see her still looking at me.

"I don't intend to eat you to begin with. And I don't have any relation to that wolf who attacked you earlier~ Neither do I have a mate or a pack so don't bother... I need to go now~"

I have just realized that maybe this pup is just basically a real pup herself who got language... Maybe animals really got a way to converse with one another that humans can't understand so I was able to talk with her since I became a wolf. Now, I need to go back to the road and figure a way to cross or just find anyone to help me get my real body back...

"Do you live in this forest??"

My attempt to simply walk forward to take my leave was interrupted when she spoke up behind me again.

"I am not from this place and I got lost too. And to return to where I came from and to my owner, I was told to bring this medallion to somewhere important but the clue was just so confusing for me to figure out so I don't know what that place is and simply where it is. If you are from this place and you aren't going to eat me, can you help me get to that place??"

I noticed that she was wearing a round medallion attached to her collar and it was sparkly golden with an engraved chrysanthemum flower on it.

"I need to bring this medallion to that place and I can return to my owner... Can you help me find it??"

My plan to head back to where the road is got cancelled when I turned back and faced her again and I drew nearer to look more closely at the medallion on her collar and she was seemingly cautious that she drew herself further a bit.


I read the word on top of the medallion and met the pup's round eyes.

"Yes. That is my name... My owner gave me that wonderful name and I really wanted to go back... Now, will you help me get to that place I am looking for?? Someone told me when I woke up yesterday that I need to go to this place... But he only stated that it is a place that I strap angels~ It was a wolf who told me that yesterday when I started roaming in the forest... He told me to 'Go to a mountain where you strap angels and bring your medallion and you will be home'. A mountain where I strap angels but I don't know such a place.. Please-"

"A wolf told you that?? Did he tell you anything else??"

"Huh?? Yes, he did. Even though he didn't told me who he is~ He said something strange like: '"Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab it. Anger is bad, dump it. Fear is aweful, face it. Memories are sweet, cherish it."

I was surprised to hear the phrase and it resounded in my head.

'Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab it. Anger is bad, dump it. Fear is aweful, face it. Memories are sweet, cherish it. Remember these and you will be you again in the next birth of the night ruler~ Find the golden labyrinth that keeps a mother flower in a fall to send across Triangle Pass and tie the lace that was once broken.'

I snapped out from my thoughts and I gazed down on the pup that eyed me perplexed.

"That was a clue for my clue...."

"Huh?? What are you suddenly talking about, miss Wolf??"

"It is strange, Mazer. But I once been told the same phrase told to you about life and blah, blah, blah... And I was told to find a golden labyrinth that keeps a mother flower in a fall to send to a certain place... I think I just found the golden labyrinth."

"You also what???"

"It was a clever instruction but I think I will be needing you to come with me even though it is strange... And we might just be about to head to the same destination to begin with~"

I smirked and the pup creased her forehead at me not getting the point of what I just told her.

"Look... I have already realized that the golden labyrinth I was told to find is not actually a real labyrinth but my instincts tell me it is you, little canine... Mazer is your name, right??"

The pup only nodded but she was still eyeing me in confusion so I already turned around and searched for the way back to the road again that the pup went and followed me.

"What does my name got to do with what you are looking for??"

I heard the reluctant pup as she trailed her way behind me and we soon got ourselves by the roadside hiding behind the big leaves.

"You are a golden retriever breed, Mazer... And your name says it all related to a labyrinth.... And not to mention that your medallion has a chrysanthemum engraved on it. That flower is often called mums and is a symbol of autumn in some countries... I will send you to Triangle Pass and we will both fulfill our aim..."

"Huh?? Triangle Pass?? How is that the place where I strap angels??"

The little pup peeked through the leaves as I was waiting for a good chance to cross the road after all the vehicles stop passing by.

"I strap angels is an anagram, Mazer~ In the human world, it is like the rearrangement of the letters to form a new word from it... That wolf who spoke to us must be the one who is behind this... And why I turned as what I am now~ I will make sure to bring you to Triangle Pass before the next full moon.... I won't fail on that~ Follow me~"

I led Mazer to cross the road and we went our way heading to a destination where my fate rests upon.



Wolf Tale and a Dog (completed)Where stories live. Discover now