"A Faster Way To Travel"

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Mazer and I continued on our journey to Triangle Pass and it was already getting dark too as we continued trailing our way behind the trees not losing sight of the road at our far right.

Mazer was likely quiet since we left from where we separated with Austin.

I heard the vehicles passing by the road and there weren't that much that passed by anymore since it was getting darker.

I then noticed a cargo truck to have gone by and I thought of something to give us a better and faster way to travel heading to Triangle Pass.

"Hey, Mazer... Are you getting tired having us to walk this far??"

"A bit... But I enjoy your company even though you don't talk a lot..."

I halted my pace and it made the golden breed to stop as well and she looked back to me.

"What if we try to sneak in one of the trucks so we can have a ride faster?? Would you want to do that??"

Mazer surely never expected such a suggestion and she was caught up with me that she walked onwards and looked on the road where one can barely see vehicles passing by already unlike this morning when the sun was up.

"Let's get in there~!"

I thought the pup will not agree with my suggestion since it is somewhat dangerous especially to me but she quickly pointed an incoming truck from afar and she turned to me with a playful grin.

"I like your idea, Kaori~! That would really be more fun and easier~!"

She waited patiently when we tried to drew nearer and hid ourselves low on the ground before we dashed off running after the truck after it passed.

The back part was open and it seemed like a fruit delivery truck so I carried Mazer and leaped in that truck.

"Oh right~!"

I quickly quieted the golden breed when she suddenly shouted in delight after we got in the ride. Good thing the driver didn't likely hear her at least~

We both stayed at the back compartment of the truck and we managed to sleep well too. I was partly being awake from time to time even though the truck didn't likely stop anywhere. And Mazer was already rolling from here to there among the fruits and she was obviously having a good night rest.

I only was able to view the moon again tonight~ It was already a half-moon or a D-shape moon or what do you call that moon phase again?? I think I forgot~ Also, the stars were out as well tonight~

Oh how I admire those stars~ The calm night sky gradually made me to fell into my slumber and only was awoken in the morning when Mazer woke me up again~


Along with the morning zest of birds outside the vehicle, I heard the soft whisper of the golden breed to have spoken my name in my left ear and she even poked my nose before biting my left ear that made me wide awake. I even hit myself on the side of the compartment of the truck when I was surprised by the sudden bite from Mazer that the truck actually slowed down and moved to the side of road.

I realized that the driver somewhat felt the impact I made and so I told Mazer for us to escape quickly and she even bit a ripe mango and carried it with her when we left the truck and hid ourselves in the bushes even before the driver could have found us and it left.

"Ooh~ Yum! Yum! My fave for breakfast~"

I saw the golden breed enjoying her treat which she got from that delivery truck and she even grinned at me.

"You should have taken one with you too, Kaori~ I hope I had taken two..."

"Oh, please... You only got it... Finish up and we will ride into a new one... We have gone further enough than what we have trailed off on our walk~ If we can keep up the pace, we'll be there at Triangle Pass by the next day~ I can see the peek of that mountain from here."

I said and we both brought our sights upon the east where a silhouette of a mountain is clothed by the morning sunrise.

"We are nearly there~ I can't wait for it! I'm done! Let us go now~! I can't wait to reach Triangle Pass~"

The golden breed got up and wiggled her tail excitedly standing right next to me and we peeked through the bushes again and looked back on the road waiting for another truck we can get into.

There were several ones that already passed but we didn't rode in one just yet because there were other vehicles following behind. I didn't want to get caught and sighted afterall so we patiently waited until our chance came.

We quickly ran in pursuit after another truck and jumped in the back compartment where we saw antiques this time. I concluded that the truck is carrying antiques for an antique shop, I guess.

"If we keep up with this pace, we'll be at Triangle Pass by the next day, Kaori?? I wonder what will happen next if we really get there~ Why do I need to bring my medallion?? I still don't get it. But for sure, you will be human again~"

I rested my chin and just let Mazer talk and I only listened. She even peeked outside of the truck and she tend to be excited everytime she sees interesting things outside.

I only told her not to raise her voice too loud or the driver might hear her again.

We also rode in a new vehicle again after the antique delivery truck and several others. There was even a time that we rode into a chicken delivery truck that we also quickly got out because the chickens became noisy in panic of seeing us.

The last ride we had was a meat delivery truck where I was greatly tempted by my wolf craving to get a bite on those meats. I really had a hard time resisting the temptation or else I would have really started to transform in a real wolf and lost my sanity.

We didn't stayed long in that ride and Mazer and I only got back on foot when we have reached the foot of the mountain.

At last... The mountain of Triange Pass~


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