"Recovery Days"

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Mazer and I spent the rest of the afternoon in that small cave and I wrapped her with my fur coat as I let her rest with my body and tail surrounding her weakened self that she was sound asleep until the evening. I even felt I was already her mother~

I have been fond of kids back when I was still human and I used to hang out with my younger cousins. And guarding Mazer like this made me miss my family.

I wonder what they are doing right now~ I hope they aren't that worried... I will surely be able to get myself back to being human again soon~ For sure...

I felt the golden breed to have moved and she even nudged herself to me more closely that I adored how strangely cute this cheerful pup behaved now that she is suddenly quiet and resting upon my care.

I brought my chin on the cushion of leaves that I have gathered earlier and I even flinched again after hearing another thunder that I only curled myself even more to the golden breed. I can last the heavy rain that is befalling from the outside which will likely bring forth flood with it's abundance. The chilly breeze also sent forth gusts in the cave that carressed my soft furs that I felt some chill in my spine despite the heat I am sharing with this little pup.

Maybe a storm is causing this downpour and not just series of rainfall.


And there it goes... A thunder with a lightning~ I closed my eyes shut and only held onto Mazer who was still sound as asleep... I hope I can sleep as her in times like these~


I got caught up with the sudden remark. I felt the pup moving her limbs and she was making some puppy noises. She is likely dreaming for sure... Even a pup dreams something, huh??

She made me remember my dog who suddenly kicked once when I was watching him sleep.

There was another thunder that resounded and I really stick up more closer to the pup keeping her within my warmth.

I wasn't able to sleep well the whole night during the heavy downpour and the thunders and lightnings. I was only able to get a nap early at daybreak when it was nearly sunrise and the weather calmed for another time.


And came the next day of the continuity of our journey to Triangle Pass. We could have gone further from here and nearer to there if only this mischief didn't happen to Mazer... But I can't blame her. She needs to recover afterall.

I moved my paws trying to feel the golden breed but, to my surprise, I got into a panic seeing that she wasn't anywhere in the cave that I dashed out of the cave in worry and calling her dear name.


"Oh~ Heeyy!! Ka-o-ri!"

There she was.

That golden pup sneaked away and left again for breakfast~ I was even surprised to see her pulling a big leaf with her mouth despite walking like a lamed pup.

She has gone and taken berries again~ How in the world did she even managed to leave and get those?? She isn't yet well. She can't force herself...

If I will be human again, I would really be grateful if I really find a pup like her. I guess she really is trained and she is serious of being a police dog~

"Mazer! Why did you leave without telling me??! And you could have told me you will get these~"

I approached her with those words before I realized to stop and the golden breed lowered her head when I was before her already. I know I was worried about her condition... And I also know that I couldn't blame her more...

There are just instances when someone will still dare to do something even if it might not be good for the current condition.

Of course I know that much~ I have read enough stories to understand how someone who may have been sick or is not in good health will still try to act normal so just to keep themselves from not being a burden at all... And maybe Mazer had that sense.

Her owner really trained her well...

I quieted upon realizing what I had just said and the pup surprised me when she suddenly lit up a smiling face. She really knows how to surprise me all the time~

"I am sorry for worrying about me, Kaori~ It is my fault why I even ended up being hurt from the fall~ And we could have gone further from here if I didn't got that accident~ We could have been nearer to Triangle Pass this moment. I guess I shouldn't have asked for a stop back on that rock and just keep on going forward~ But I brought you berries... Let us eat together?? I promise I won't leave without telling you from now on... I will speak up~ I am really sorry, Kaori.."

Her voice was mild and gentle like any soft-spoken person. I would really want to adopt this pup if ever~

She blinked twice before she came to me and nudged herself onto my soft grayish furs.

"I am sorry, really~"

"Oh~ Mazer... You really are a good girl~ Please just rest for a while and we will continue our journey if you are fully well~ Don't force yourself~ I can't return you to your owner being worse if ever~"

She chuckled off hearing me and I saw that lit up cheerful aura again before I led her back in the cave.

We really ate the berries together and we had so much fun. It was like I was basically talking to a human being.

Wow~ I wonder if this is what it feels if I could really talk to my pet... I wonder how is Chase doing back at home... I am sure he misses me too.

The days went by quickly and Mazer was obedient enough to stay in the cave and only came out if I accompany her to look for berries again and bathe in a nearby stream.

For me, the three days that had passed by with the golden breed were fulfilling. I once experienced how it felt to have fun and all again. It was because we tend to engage ourselves in little plays that I didn't quite engaged in when I was already growing up in my teenager years and up until I am twenty.

The past three days were like being with a dear good friend and company and just enjoying the moments that flew by. Surely, I will miss these moments when I become human again~

And I have just realized how animals can really bring great fun and joy to people. They are just so wonderful creatures...

"Alright! Kaori! I am totally well now! We can get back on our journey to Triangle Pass! I am more than excited as ever~!"


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