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Rei-chan carried Mazer as we walked our way back on trail. We left the broken telescope to where it was and maybe it will be just a landmark there from now on.

I was simply just chilled and comfortable walking beside this girl that I missed for so long. I couldn't say I hate her her anymore because I couldn't say that I felt that way so true too. All I know is that I am just glad we are together again.


She began and I raised my head to look up to her and she was only looking ahead of us still carrying the golden breed with her arms.

"Do you want to play riddles?? It has been a long time, you know... And I think this pup ate more than what she needs... Don't worry, she will be fine. I guess I should have stopped her to eat those berries but I was too late. I have actually been with you since you have been travelling. You just didn't know."

"Have you met him too?? That wolf~ I have dreamt about him before I found myself in a wolf's body... Have you met him too?? Was he the one who brought you??"

I was puzzled. I still don't understand how we got in this state and that wolf's identity is still a mystery.

Rei-chan only chuckled and she told me that she once dreamt of that wolf I was talking about before too but we didn't talk about it that much.

We only talked a lot about ourselves to fill in those years we were apart. I had so much fun being with her again. It was as if everything was a dream to be true but she is really here~

I learned a lot about her and we laughed and teased each other from time to time. The only difference from before is that I am now talking a lot too and not just listening to Rei-chan.

We even played during our stops and we also played in the stream we have passed by. I was so lost in our bonding that I least realized it was already dark. We stayed under a big tree and rested there with a bonfire we made and we kept Mazer warm with us.

I hope she wakes up soon and I will introduce Rei-chan to her.

We didn't sleep so well and I was awake with Rei-chan so we only identified stars above us. She told me that she studied more about them and learned a lot.

She even pointed out her favorite constellation, Scorpio.

I really enjoyed this day. It was so memorable~ I didn't felt like sleeping too because I fear she would be gone if I wake up. Even this feels surreal, I stayed by Rei-chan's side until the next morning came.


I was dazzled by the morning light when I blinked and opened my eyes and saw Rei-chan. She has cooked fish and she got some berries all ready for breakfast and some other fruits that I am sure she searched.

I looked at the pup next to me and smiled. Mazer really need to meet her... Why in the world has she eaten those sleeping berries in the first place??

Rei-chan invited me to have our breakfast and then we continued that we got a sighting to Triangle Pass up ahead. We were drawing nearer to our destination~

Wolf Tale and a Dog (completed)Where stories live. Discover now