"Companion in Crisis"

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"So you also met this wolf who told me to bring this medallion to that place?? This is actually my medallion when I was taken in by my owner... She is an amazing police officer with her husband. And I am currently being taught and trained by them too! Though I don't have any idea if they will let me join them in their work, I want to be one when I get older... A police dog!"

We have been sneaking our way in town and we managed to get through and reached the mountainside by dusk. Mazer was blabbering a lot of stuffs about her puppy life and her owner. I think she really is a pup...

So animals really do have their own language~

I have been asked about myself and I only told her that I need to go to get my old self back. Mazer didn't believe my story of originally being human before becoming a wolf without any exact and definite explanation how. But soon, she told me that she will only help me to be in my real body again before the next full moon as a return of favor for bringing her along to Triangle Pass.

But really, her name...


"Uhm~ Miss Kaori, I think a violent storm is up ahead~"

I got halted and lifted my sight to the sky which was seemingly drawing with a darkening shade of clouds and some small visible streaks of lightning.

I have guided Mazer following the trail of the road up the mountain that is a first mountain to get through heading to Triangle Pass. There is still one more mountain after we get by this one and a storm to meet is not going to be a good start for our journey.

I heard a rumble of a stomach and I looked back only to see the golden pup appearing to be exhausted already and his tongue was stuck out as if in thirst already too.

Earlier when we sneaked our way in town, I managed to steal some food in a certain stall that we shared for brunch because it was passed breakfast and nearly lunch. 

"Can you keep up still??"

I asked her knowingly still being on the lead and she raised her head and dared to smile faintly.

"Yeah~?? How far are we still going to go for shelter, Miss Kaori??"

She trailed off and her voice wasn't the same cheerful one this morning when she was playing with the butterflies.

"At least keep up until we get ourselves a shelter to find on our way~ It might be dangerous to be out in the open when the storm sends in rain already~ At least keep your pace and follow me~"

I only said and I continued my way looking in front and I noticed how some of the vehicles passing by up and down the mountain road tend to give glances at us especially to me.

I have once travelled through here and to Triangle Pass when I was in elementary during our field trip and I happen to spot a pack of wolves back then on our way... And thinking back never once crossed my mind that I might happen to be a wolf that others will pay looking at now...

"Miss K-Kao-ri~"

"Just Kaori is fine~ I think I spotted a burrow up ahead we could stay over for shelter, Mazer... Let's get going~ Gosh~! The rain is here!"

I felt the drop of rainfall on my nose and it soon turned foggy after the short second of drizzling raindrops that I only managed to see headlights of cars from the roads.

"Let's hurry up, Mazer! Are you still keeping up with-"

I was in a sense of worry when I turned back and did not spot the golden breed following behind me. I tried to call her name but no one answered and what replied me was the sudden thunder above the heavy downpour that sent me dropping on the ground.

Even before I was human, I never did well with thunder~ I always hide from it and rest in panic when I hear the loud sounds it gives off.

"Mazer! Mazer!"

I ran back and finally spotted the unconscious little one soaked in the rain by the roadside. She must have exhausted herself too much that I didn't even cared about earlier.

I dared to nudge her gradually freezing body before I dropped myself again after another roll of thunder. I, myself, even already felt the chilling atmosphere that enveloped the whole mountain with the rain and the fog that it became harder to see where I last saw that burrow from before.

Lost without any more choice to do, I carried the little pup with my mouth securing her on her nape and I daringly ran under the heavy rain until I managed to at least find the burrow which was basically a hole under a big rock that was sticking out on one of the big roots of a certain tree here at the far side of the mountain roadway.

I wiggled myself to at least get myself a bit dry and I licked the pup to keep her from freezing with the soaking water she has acquired from the downpour. She was at least breathing and stable...

I guess she only was over exhausted through our half day walk from town up to here... I tried to nudge her again and she made a soft moan before she managed to open her eyes and those gradually blinking eyes met mine.

"Hey~ You-"

"T-thanks, Mi-miss Kaori... I guess I fainted on our way.. And it is already raining??"

I continued licking her just so that she'll dry and I did it on me soon enough and we laid in that burrow just by ourselves through that stormy night.

Mazer even pulled off some jokes on me when she was back to her own good self everytime I flinched from hearing thunder.

"Good night, Kaori..."

The golden pup resounded and she stroke my tail since she was playing with it since before then she laid with me for warmth in this cooling night before she went into a sleep before me.

Is this encounter necessary for me to wind up with as a wolf?? I wonder~



Wolf Tale and a Dog (completed)Where stories live. Discover now