"Of Pasts and Reminisces"

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"Have you enjoyed this journey so far, Kaori??"

I looked at the golden breed who was walking beside me as we were trailing our way again towards Triangle Pass.

"Well, you are fun to be with, Mazer~"

"Hm~ Then I think you have a lot to talk about to your friends if you become human again~ Will you even share to them about this?? And that you traveled with me??"

I wasn't able to reply as quickly as possible. I was in thought after Mazer's question~ Will I really be able to tell my friends that I became a wolf and travelled with a pup?? Will someone even believe me in the first place??

I brought back my sight onwards before answering.

"I don't even think I have someone I fully feel like I can tell about this experience though... I am also trying to come up with something to tell my family why I was gone for these past days~ Maybe it would be easier to explain if this is just a dream, Mazer. But to think that it is not, it is definitely going to be hard to explain~"

"Well, no one can fully explain everything on how and why strange things happen~ But don't you have friends to tell to?? More like a best friend~ I usually see my owner's best friend to visit her and that is what she calls her~ They often play with me too and then they hang out a lot in the weekends~ Is it really amazing to have best friends??"

I looked up at the bluish, clear sky that was free from the dark clouds of the last nights which brought the downpour back then. Mazer and I didn't stop on our trail and I only answered her calmly.

"Best friends are cool and very dependable~ However-"

I cut my words even before I could utter them out and I likely bit my lip that Mazer was seemingly caught up with it that she was already eyeing me.

"Sometimes, friendships can be broken and be left out in the shadows~ I guess you wouldn't understand because you are a pup... Or have you had a friend or more likely a best friend too??"

"I don't think I really understand the term, Kaori... Humans are just maybe more complex in relationships and stuffs... But I learned that friends are those who stick up with you no matter what..  They enjoy and share similarities with you and have fun despite differences too.. They know and accept you as who you are and respect everything in you~ My owner always say that I am her best friend too and faithful companion... I don't even know why she says those stuffs and I don't think I understand them fully."

Mazer took up the lead and she was being cheerful again when she looked back at me after stopping in front of me and she grinned.

"But I know that I love my owner~ I don't want to be far from her for a longer time and I want to return to her... Is this what it feels to have a best friend, Kaori?? Have you ever had one? Tell me~"

I was impressed with this golden breed. She is just really caring and thoughtful about her owner...

"Hey, Kaori~ Come on. Tell me... At least it will be your turn to ran your mouth... I have been thinking that I tend to be a blabber during this whole journey of ours~"

I was able to have a hearty laugh hearing this golden breed. It has been twenty years of my life and I feel like I never had this kind of conversation with anyone talking about friends~

And best friend?? Like I can fully understand that term...

I took a deep breath before I really started to run my mouth for this persistent little pup and she stayed more closer to me as we trodded on our way. We have gone through ups and downs again on our way and I know we need to keep going forward to reach Triangle Pass soon.

"I had once... The first one was my childhood neighbor and we became best friends considering that we grew up together~ However, due to some instances, my family needed to move so I changed places from time to time~ Then I met this certain person.. Someone frantically the opposite of me~ But we got along well and enjoyed each other's company~"

I noticed how the golden breed was strangely attentive to me so I continued.

"Back then, I don't talk a lot and she always do the talking. I wasn't that strong and brave so she became my protector... She comforts me when I cry if someone bullied me and made fun of me but she never started up fights with them. She wasn't the kind of person... She only tells me she will avenge me but we always ended up laughing about it because she wouldn't really do it... She always made me laugh back then and I knew I admired her personality since we were polar opposites. I guess, our similarities were outnumbered by our differences too... She is into outdoor stuffs and I am into indoor stuffs~ She is such a talker when I was mostly just her audience~ We always spent our time together a lot and I always tease her... She only teases me back... Back then, I thought, the world is so colorful and amazing everytime we were together... It was likely a mere fantasy to believe in how that happiness we had could be experienced.. I thought we were already perfect as what we were... I supported her and she supported me. But I guess it was all until there."

Mazer's expression changed from interest to confused and I continued.

"You know, all I know is that we were really polar opposites~ She was likely happy-go-lucky and sociable.. I am not. However, things changed after some time. It was shocking to me and I didn't know what to think of. She just suddenly started to ignore me for no definite reason I could think of. She never talked to me and she kept her distance that kept me wondering even until now. We haven't spoken since and it left a question mark in my head. What did I did wrong?? What has happened of us?? Ever since then, I think I started to doubt myself and I also became more unsociable... I never saw her after our graduation in high school up until now. And I never heard a word... What do you think Mazer??"

The pup was silent and she averted her gaze from looking to me and onwards and she was likely in thought. Even a pup as she is, I am sure there are stuffs she could comprehend and some she cannot.

"Hm~ What do I think?? I don't even know what to say~ I don't even really know who that friend of yours is and I wasn't you~ But if it will be my master and I, I would feel sad if she left me all alone not letting me know why~ Even so, I would still want to find her and get back to her... What do you think, Kaori?? Your friend, you said that you never saw her again and never talked to you?? But have you forgotten her then?? What did you exactly feel??"

I took a deep breath again and I halted my pace looking blankly on the ground as Mazer took a lead since I suddenly just stopped. For twenty years in my life, I don't think I have ever thought about this matter seriously before... And the funny thing is, a pup ignited for all of these to take process in my mind now that I am a human in a wolf's body.

And simply, the nostalgic memories played in my head as I delved deeper in my thoughts after that question from the golden breed. Why have things turned out to this???? But having those memories flooding back in my head, all I can recount are the sweet memories among the bitter ones...


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