"Escorting Back Home"

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"Ahahah~ You are a cute pup, bud~ Oh... I think you are a girl??"

The young boy carressed Mazer which the golden breed likely enjoyed and she even tried to play with him. For a few minutes, I watched from where I was seated and didn't make any strange movements to interrupt them at all.

By doing so, I was reminded of how I used to be when I was still human. I also just used to sit in the background watching~ I am quiet and not so cheerful even back in my childhood~ I even easily cry by simple words from my classmates back then... It was so simple and so plain as life that I had but everything changed when I started hanging out with a new friend the time I transferred school for the fifth time.

I met a good person who was the opposite of me. She was so cheerful and she always makes me laugh. She is fun to be with and is always like a kid. But I got along well with her despite our differences and we soon found our similarities later on...

"Kaori~! Come here... Let Austin pet you too~!"

I heard the golden pup to have called me and I was caught up with it that I raised my head and gave her a perplexed look before she ran to me and nudged under my chin gesturing me to be friendly to that boy who was already giving me a plain look.

I was even terrified that I quickly growled to threaten the young boy when he stood up all of a sudden and he was moved aback one step in surprise to me too. I guess I scared him unintentionally~ Maybe I am starting to really turn to a real wolf gradually?? Isn't what I did a wolf's instinct??


I heard the concerned pup which eased me and so I only sat back and straightened my posture and behaved before lowering my head that the boy hesitantly brushed off his fear and slowly dared to take his small steps towards me until he managed to touch my head with his trembling fingers.

I let him pet me for the meantime even though I wasn't really comfortable with it until I sensed that he was already comfortable with me.

Then Mazer suddenly picked out a picture from the pocket of the boy's packbag and bit it in her mouth and brought it to the boy.

The boy was interrupted from carressing me before he sat down on a sticking out stone and he took the picture from Mazer that the golden pup sat before him in silent.

"Mom and dad... I actually ran away from home because I got angry with them~ They have been giving more attention to my new born baby brother than me and then I was scolded for making Auston cry this morning... But~"

The young boy wiped off a tear that momentarily ran down his cheek before he grasped the picture and rolled his eyes to Mazer with his gradually tearing eyes.

"I just realized that I can't live apart from them~ I missed mom and dad... I'm scared..."

Mazer comforted the young boy by sitting next to him and she was then stroked on her head.

"Thanks for helping me out, puppy... I think your name is Mazer, huh~"

Mazer barked in delight and the young boy smiled after noticing the golden medallion then he stood up and Mazer excitedly ran around him in circle before she barked all ready to move from this place.

"You want to go with me back to my house?? I can bring you along~ "

Mazer barked once again in reply and she suddenly shifted her gaze to me making the young boy to look at me too and he knowingly kneeled down before me.

"Will you come too Wolfy??"

I was caught up with how the kid addressed me but I only got up and walked to Mazer so the boy smiled and only followed after us.

Sooner, he was already leading us the way. I guess he really lives nearby from here~

After a few ups and downs on our way, I was able to hear the busy road again with the vehicles until we also got our sights on it when we have gone out from the woods.

Mazer and I escorted the young boy to cross and he led us to a field where I spotted a house from afar and a barn. There were other houses next to it and I was halted upon seeing the houses even Mazer and the young boy, Austin, was interrupted from proceeding further.

"Wolfy, my house is over there~"

Austin pointed and he smiled at me that I looked at Mazer. She glanced at the houses before she met my sight again~ Mazer only barked once and she rubbed herself against Austin's legs before she ran back to me and we faced the little boy again who raised a perplexed eyebrow at us.

Basically, we can't go with him anymore any further.. Initially, I wouldn't have even accompanied him with my condition because it is likely not normal for a wild animal to be getting along with humans... Unless if ever a wild animal is taken cared for in zoos or as pets in some cases...

And I am sure the residents will panic if ever I am sighted from here and with this boy..

"Let us go now, Mazer... We have already safely escorted him afterall~ We still have a destination to go to~"

The pup lowered her head and she looked back at the motionless boy who was looking at us with a paint of sadness in his eyes. I guess he already realized that we aren't going with him anymore further that he ran to us and I was surprised when he secured both me and Mazer in the encirclement of his arms and he let go after a while.

I quickly recognized a woman coming nearer to us so I told Mazer to leave and we did in a hurry even though the pup was obviously still not wanting to leave yet that moment. We ran back across the road and hid ourselves and peeked through the leaves seeing Austin to have been embraced by the woman and a man followed next.

The young boy even gave some glances back to where we were before he was led back to the house among the houses and was gone from sight.

"Hm~ He will surely not forget us... I hope we can meet again?"

Mazer spoke up and she smiled at me before she cheerfully told me to get going already back on our trail.


Wolf Tale and a Dog (completed)Where stories live. Discover now